Peter and Company

It really has, and it’s terrifying to read these stories of kids who felt like they had nowhere at all to go after their Facebook profiles and phones were buried. Especially when it comes out later that it was just one or two other kids doing it, using multiple anonymous profiles to create a virtual mob. There’s no

I’d also like to add (since the time limit for editing my initial post expired), thank you for posting this. Calvin & Hobbes was almost therapeutic for me as a kid, and did a phenomenal job with portraying what smaller, weaker kids (like I was) had to endure. The fact that Calvin so regularly retreated into his own

One of the most common phrases I hear with bullying is that “Every kid should stand up for themselves.” That the easiest way to defeat a bully is with strength.

Twist: This new Pokemon is actually part of an uprising of super-intelligent Pokemon, able to speak in clear speech and tired of living their lives in fear. They have turned the tables and started capturing humans to fight each other. The child standing next to it is that Pokemon’s Pokemon.

Interesting. From the footage I’ve seen it looked like the enemies only freeze in place when shot, and will recover if you don’t dash into them. It just looks like a frustrating requirement, and I can definitely see it becoming the bane of the speed run community, since it essentially creates a concrete path to follow

If it plays at all like the speed run demo they provided, this is going to be a huge disappointment. Being required to dash into enemies after already shooting them, like a “double tap” kill mechanic, just... doesn’t sound fun. At all.

I will admit, this announcement took quite a bit of wind out of my sails in regards to E3 this year. I’m still excited to see more details on Zelda, sure, but I’ve been hyped for MONTHS to finally get the official reveal of the NX.

Splatoon launches: “Oh my God, this game is so amazing and original!! I am SO FREAKING GLAD I spent money on a Wii U, this system is awesome!”

I agree. I have qualms with ANYONE drawing that kind of stuff in public, in any form, furry or not. You wanna draw it, that’s your boat, and there are plenty of places online that you can go to post it if you really want to share it. Just don’t put it up on a public screen.

See. People like that guy are the ones that give the rest of their fandom a broken reputation. I attended SCAD for Sequential starting around 2002, and immediately I heard horror stories about a campus “furry” who was forced to drop out the year prior after some stories about his roommate walking in on him spread

I knew several hotshot animators at SCAD who produced stuff at this level of quality even during their lower-level animation courses. While the rest of the class was there to learn the ropes and get a feel for the medium, it was guaranteed there would be one or two who would completely flaunt the fact that they’d

Nah, Blizzard already did a good job of that on their own.

Hehe, thanks! I actually do online art streams on Mondays & Wednesdays at 8pm EST, if you ever feel like stopping by. Sometimes I do demos and stuff if people in the chat ask for it.

Hehe, thanks! I actually did a full series reboot in 2005 with a new storyline, and that’s the version I’ve been keeping up for the past 11 years. :)

Aw, thank you so much! :)

I’m surprised there are folks on Kotaku who recognize it!

You mean the kind that draws what they do simply because it’s what they want to draw? Cuz I admit, that particular kind seems to be dwindling in numbers these days.

HAHA holy crap, dude! Never thought I’d run into someone I haven’t seen in like 20 years on a random video game site comments section.

I was surprised too, but after seeing it I think it absolutely deserves the praise. It really is a phenomenal film, and a story that really would not work if the characters were human instead of animals, which is a challenge to pull off. My wife and I both loved it and plan to see it again while it’s still in

Hehe, thanks! I actually should post a follow-up to it now that Zootopia has pretty much made it obsolete.