Peter and Company

1998, junior year high school:

The first time I heard this happen, it completely threw me off. I had to stop and look around to see if someone was playing Sonic next to me. Thought I was going crazy.

Verdy, verdy greenskees!

You forgot the mobile and Virtual Console re-releases! And don’t forget the 3DS “3D Edition” remakes!

Are you actually implying that Chrono Trigger is only great due to the nostalgia factor? Seriously? The game that regularly tops (or places in the top 5) of “Greatest Games of All Time” lists?

I still laugh thinking about the first time I saw Samus’ giant floating eyes appear in the visor, I remember I just about choked on my drink. Freakin’ scared the crap out of me for a second until I realized what it was. Then I spent another 5 minutes just trying to get it to happen again.

What I’d like to see is a Harvest Moon-style game like this where upon starting a new playthrough, the game randomly selects one or two of the eligible bachelor(ette)s and codes them to never fully accept your advances. You have no idea which ones are a complete lost cause in any attempts to woo them, until a

Oh, gameplay-wise I freaking LOVED it. And the hidden post-game boss encounter, with the Phantoon fight? That was just so much fun and made me grin like an idiot the whole time. We need more of THAT and less of this “thumbs-down lady” nonsense.

Or made Samus inexplicably cower in fear at the mere sight of Ridley, despite having fought and defeated him several times over by that point in the timeline.

My comment on the video (which has since had its likes/dislikes bar disabled, less than an hour after it was uploaded):

It turns out megalophobia (a fear of huge objects/size difference) is pretty common. As a kid growing up in DC, I was terrified by the life-size fiberglass blue whale at the Smithsonian.

I still wonder how Square can justify going through the trouble to port these classic console games to iOS/Android/PC, only to then leave Mac gamers in the dust. If you can get it to run on a damn iPhone, it shouldn’t be that freaking hard to get it to run on a Mac.

Someone would like to have a word with her bullies.

I know MMO’s are all about evolving over time and adding new features, but I was a longtime Vanilla WoW player who quit towards the end of Burning Crusade. By the time I decided to use a free trial and go back into it several years later, it was a completely different game. I even tried avoiding the new areas and just

Aw man. Another MMO I would love to try, but no Mac support means I never will.

Too soon! :(

You’ve been Rock-blocked!

I can completely sympathize, actually. I was terrified of Molly the Mole on Pinwheel (an old Nickelodeon show in the 80’s, which is interestingly enough the entire reason Nickelodeon even exists as it does today, but I digress). This damn puppet haunted my nightmares as a little kid.

You’re not alone in this, Kevin.

I remember reading about how Valve claimed that Wheatley’s specific layered movements were actually impossible to replicate in real life, with something having to do with the internal mechanisms basically requiring a blueprint drawn by M.C. Escher. Then not soon after the game’s release, a fan proved them wrong by