I realllllly want her to make a Metroid-themed tank and populate it with tiny jellyfish.
I realllllly want her to make a Metroid-themed tank and populate it with tiny jellyfish.
Thanks! We are VERY happy together. As I mentioned, we’re both artists, but we also share a ton of common interests (gaming, animation, terrible horror movies, etc.). Like right now, we’re playing through the Borderlands Handsome Collection on PS4 in local co-op; I’m a longtime veteran of the series, but this is her…
My wife and I have been married for going on five years now, and we were dating for three years prior to that. Since I’m a hardcore geek and Steve Buscemi lookalike (I’ve been asked if I was his son before), and she’s the most breathtakingly gorgeous woman I’ve ever met, I have always felt that she is definitely out…
I’m just praying they bring back the old-school Talents system from SO1 & 2. That was one of the most addicting elements to the originals and I hated how they downplayed it in 3 & 4.
“Destiny, a video game in which players kill time between Bloodborne play sessions.”
Thing is, no one really needs to use the phrase “WHAT NINTENDON’T” anymore, since at this point it pretty much goes without saying.
I dunno. After buying and playing through several iterations of both Guitar Hero and Rock Band, I’m not sure this is enough to get me back into the genre. This new multi-fret configuration means more plastic instruments need to be bought, which eventually will just get added to the pile of guitars/drums/mics already…
To be fair, Mr. Bucket would become a much more interesting game with the addition of shot clocks and penalties.
I’m now going to wait patiently for a mystery/puzzle/survival horror game that requires the use of the Zoom feature to find tiny details hidden within the environments.
I had another amazing victory this weekend while showing my brother Bloodborne over PS4 Share Play. He was considering whether or not to pick up the game himself, so I told him I could play the game a bit from the point where I was at, which was pretty much right at the beginning. I hadn’t even encountered the first…
My kingdom for someone to build a functional LEGO Pinball table.
Check the source link I posted. Apparently they're having some technical issues getting the loyalty rewards to work, so in the meantime they posted SHiFT codes good for 25 Golden Keys in both Borderlands 2 and the Pre-Sequel.