C-cuz, it's just that... uh... I was promised... that my name would be on this one, but my name isn't on this one, and... and I talked to HR and they told me just to be patient....and......... uh.... okay....
"Heyyyy Kojima, how's it hangin'.
Sweet! My wife and I will be playing through on co-op, too. I'm a veteran of the series but this is her first time trying it, so I'm fine starting over from scratch on Borderlands 2 to walk her through the basics. Then we shall TEAR THE GAME APART.
On a side note to those curious: You do need to have a save file in the same console family (PS3 -> PS4, XBox 360 -> XBox One) in order to retrieve your previous character data and progress. If you're like me and played on 360 while picking it up on PS4, sadly you do have to start over from scratch.
That's fine, I've got Bloodborne to keep me happy tomorrow. I don't mind waiting for this DLC one little bit.
"And now, to revive your Fossil Fighter, all you gotta do is sneak up from behind..."
Dixpex Games seems to know the copyright notice is nothing more than a bump in the road.
"Unless I buy a console, which I won't."
I'm also reminded of the whole hullabaloo around Sonic the Hedgehog 3's soundtrack and the supposed involvement of Michael Jackson in its composition. You could tell it was his style of music just by listening to several of the tracks.
Didn't Keiji Inafune also run into this same problem with his pitch for Mighty No. 9? People said the gameplay and level designs looked like a "Mega Man copycat," but he returned with, no, that's just how I make games.
What makes the hypocrisy of the whole thing even sweeter is that Atari pulled this exact BS with Minter in the past, hiring a different programmer to alter the code of Tempest 2000 for the PS1 port just enough to where they could legally call it a different game and avoid paying Minter royalties.
Atari is like the Voldemort of the game industry, latching onto the backs of the heads of anyone who happens to speak its name, in order to wreak havoc on those who were once its allies.
My response to this whole debacle is the startling realization that Atari is still a thing in 2015.
Ahhh, 1940's Toon Guns. Back when even the bullets were racial stereotypes!
My contribution: Spending months to turn a completely worthless item into pure gold.
"I imagine the Wii U might be running on fumes by that point anyway if a Wii U Metroid title
with awesome multiplayerisn't released in, say, 2016."
This was years ago, and as I haven't touched the game since BC my recollection of item names is a bit hazy, but my favorite moment was gaming the auction house.
I'm holding out for the $499 Nuclear Power Plant with the inexplicable elevator inside the cooling tower.