Still no Zero Suit.
Still no Zero Suit.
You guys counted DLC chapters as full game releases? Something about that doesn't feel right. MarioKart 8 deserves a spot more than TLoU:Left Behind.
Someone tell me how much money I need to throw to make this a thing. THERE HAS TO BE AN AMOUNT.
Speaking of animal fighters, both Bloody Roar and Brutal Paws of Fury would make for incredible nextgen revivals. Imagine a BPoF title with the animation quality of Dust: An Elysian Tail.
For the first year of a new system's life, it should be expected that developers cater towards the previous gen when it comes to crafting ports and cross-platform games.
Thank you for posting this. I'm already sick from seeing the furry fandom being used as the internet's punching bag, but the "joking" reactions to this piece of news (not just on Kotaku) have been particularly nauseating.
Curse my annual Christmas vow to not buy anything for myself after Thanksgiving! It is REALLY hard this year.
Y'know... you may be right. Chrono Cross came out my senior year in high school, and I remember binge playing it over a week and feeling like I missed several good chunks of the story. I never saw Kid's time travel quest, and a lot of the story went over my head. Even reading plot synopses and summaries online later…
I know it's the internet and all, so condescending tones should be expected.
"And absolutely trust the source."
I'm definitely interested in more details on how to go about making a claim on this one. I bought a 3G Vita at launch and to this day have never had a reason to activate the 3G service beyond the free month it came with. I love the Vita, but I definitely would have got the Wifi version instead had I known the 3G would…
Even moreso if you consider that Magus was the crux to the whole thing and may have been responsible for his own temporal displacement. By posing as the "seer" in the ice age and pushing the queen harder towards summoning Lavos so he could finally confront it, he actually caused the calamity that saw his younger self…
Honestly at this point I would even love a reboot/remake with modern-gen tech and gameplay advancements. Give me a DragonAge Inquisition-inspired battle system with Blue Dragon-style graphics, a larger world map, and an expanded story with more details behind Lavos/Schala/the Gurus and twice as many time periods to…
Huh. I dunno. I always read it as though she was powerful enough to manipulate the time gates, but was not the reason the gates exist. Lavos was the origin of that problem, since every time someone tries to summon it (see: Magus and the Queen), portals suddenly appear and people nearby get sucked in.
Hey, as a kid I loved Who Framed Roger Rabbit on the NES. We all have our odd tastes in games on occasion.
No. It did not "end well." Chrono Cross was a sequel in name only and I (among many others) refuse to accept that horrible, confusing, "it's-Chrono-without-time-travel" mess of a game as being the final standing chapter of the story. Particularly since the entire thing was just a massive side quest to tie up one loose…