Peter and Company

I had to check the URL again just to make sure, but I'm pretty confident that this isn't 4chan.

Just thought there would be more logic behind your sentiment beyond just a simple frustration with a few loudmouthed members of an otherwise benign internet fandom.

Okay. And?

Totally thought that was Cary Elwes in the preview image for a sec.

Apparently Luigi is the king of holding his breath.

"Passive Multiplayer." Meaning the people you meet are the characters built by other players, with their appearances, skills and talents, but who assume the role of AI NPC's in your game's town? So you can pick & choose who you let live in your copy of the world?

Suddenly I laughed while thinking of a slave-boat rowing chant to "Everything is Awesome," and I'm pretty sure I just earned a seat in Hell.

American purple SNES represent! Concave X-Y buttons win out over silly rainbow color schemes any day.

I'm surprised Sweet Sweet Canyon isn't higher on the list. It's about as close as we'll ever get to a legitimate Sugar Rush experience on consoles.

Yup, in Saint's Row the Third. Pretty shamelessly, too. They're almost identical, right down to the motions of the shark.

Now playing

I dunno. I still hold a special place in my heart for the Land Shark Gun from Armed and Dangerous.

I saw the "<3 recycling?" sticker, and suddenly thought of a business that exclusively deals in second-hand mementos/gifts from ex's that the person no longer wants. You could probably find some interesting stuff in a store like that.

I picked this up on PS4 earlier in the week and I'm actually enjoying the heck out of it. Plays very similar to the Cyberton series, and the content unlocking system with "complete objectives = earn crates" is pretty dang cool.

Are you sure the "Hitler Head Explosion" animation was cut from the NA Bionic Commando release? I'm pretty sure they left that part in. I specifically remember seeing it and being completely shocked as a kid.

Yes, because cartridges whose batteries finally die after 20 freaking years — yet are still perfectly functional and playable — are TOTALLY the same as a 5-year-old PC game that cannot be installed/loaded after an OS upgrade.

True, I'll give you that. I haven't seen a copy of Baseball Stars on NES with a functional battery in YEARS.

Holy crap, you have a FUNCTIONAL launch version of the 360? I'm now on my 4th one — went through two standard editions, then two elites.

"Console games are so easy to run, right?"

Except my mom, now in her 60's, who to this day still calls every game a "Nintendo."