GRID Autosport all the way, baby! Been waiting for this one for a LONG time. The return of AI teammates.
A game stream is only as entertaining as the person playing the game. I've seen playthroughs of amazing games that were almost unwatchable since the streamer was basically Ben Stein. Yet I could watch the Game Grumps play through Barbie's Horse Adventure all day long because they're got-dang hilarious.
Agreed. I wish it had died after the first one. I'm so ready for these annoying-as-hell birds to be laid to rest.
Do you wanna build a robot?
That's funny, because XBox isn't getting a new Conker's BFD, either. They're getting a Rated E sandbox LittleBigPlanet-style user-content-dependent non-game with Conker as an optional playable character. MS basically just told the world "Yeah, you guys want a new Conker game? MAKE IT YOURSELF."
It's not just hopping. It also seems to be quickly alternating left/right on the d-pad in between hops in order to keep the flame burning. Simply hopping doesn't look like it keeps the boost alive.
Oh good! And now that you've reported on the glitch and even provided a demonstrational video on it, more players who love using exploits to win are now aware of its existence. I guess I can look forward to future online races being dominated by a bunch of flame-hoppers.
I just..... I can see you there, right there, TRYING to use words, but it just isn't working out for you. I'm so sorry.
Next stop: the Pale Man's lair from Pan's Labyrinth.
And sadly, no platform details, either? PS3? PS4? XBox? Vita? Dreamcast? Colecovision?
Don't forget "Donkey Kong Counter," just above the Pikmin image!
The fact that this game is coming up on its 20th anniversary makes me feel so freakin' old. I was a sophomore in high school when this released, and I still remember sitting in the car with the box (which I remember was HUGE and made of a much heavier cardboard) and thinking the Rumble Pak was the coolest freakin'…
Before fixing it, they froze its genetic code to supply annual offspring over the next 7 generations.
I'd just like to chime in that yeah, I totally agree that "The enemy is you from two levels ago" sounds like a freaking amazing game concept.
Huh. They address the situation, explain why they can't change it, and promise to make the sequel all-inclusive.