Peter and Company

Oh, I saw your point and read it loud and clear. I think you're missing my point.

Remote Play is also not a requirement of the system. Name a single PS4 title that has even mentioned the necessity of a Vita in order to play the game.

Good, so we've just determined that the Vita is an accessory that is not required for the PS4 experience, since you just admitted that you can do the same functionality with the PSN smartphone app. That alone brings the PS4 down to a lower price and completely kills your original argument.

Really? You tacked on the cost of the Vita and Camera (but declined to include the several-hundred-$$$ cost of a Windows Tablet for the XBone), as if those have any impact whatsoever on the "full experiences" of these consoles?

Aw, nut bunnies. Got my hopes up.

So wait — the initial system update is included on each game disc, so there's no risk of getting hit with congested traffic when everyone is trying to download the day-one update all at once?

Considering the vast majority of the arcade industry in America is now on life support — and even those who somehow manage to thrive are sorely lacking in actual pinball tables — this is about the closest most of us can get to satisfying our pinball fix. Even moreso since most people can't swing the $2K-5K to purchase

"Retweeted by @humblebrag."

They could be in last place (and often are), no victories for the season.... but then they win one game, and there's a parade down main street.

I'm totally getting an Armada vibe from the controls and action in this game, if anyone remembers that Dreamcast classic. This looks like an instant purchase from me.

"That's-a-riiight, I'm-a-numbah one. You all-a can suck-a-mah-shroom."

You're right, referring to her by the very nickname that her own father gave her is a horrendous slap in the face to her dignity.

It's thinking.........

Robot depression: always a good topic to explore.

This photo demands to be edited with Toon Link snapping a grinning selfie in the corner.

lol I know it's beyond ridiculous, but c'mon, over-analyzation and debate of obscure things in video games is not exactly an uncommon pastime.

Um, no it doesn't. It still says you have to trade with Gen 2.

Well on here it's just my name (I know, so creative), but on PSN/Live/Steam I go by Fragnabulator. The origin to that name is.... hilariously disturbing.