Peter and Company

My whole point was that you couldn't catch shiny Pokemon natively in Red/Blue. Which you just proved by linking to that information.

I heard you could also catch Mario as a Pokemon in Red/Blue, but you had no way of telling unless you took him into Pokemon Stadium. Otherwise he just looked like an ordinary Ditto, but had a special "Jump" move that was super effective against turtle and insect Pokemon.

Your last sentence pretty well sums it up for me. My wife's already working towards her second badge and I haven't even made it to the first gym. I've only seen the first dozen Pokemon, and only one Pikachu, played a bit with this new "Pet your Pokemon" mode or whatever it does, and I'm just like...... sigh.

I did, when that whole craze hit after he was first discovered.

I walk into grass. I run into Pokemon. If it's something I want, I catch it. If not, I beat it up.

Something to consider: While it's true that the winners of previous format wars were whichever side the porn industry chose, all of those format wars took place in eras pre-dating the wide use of the internet.

All y'all complaining about your fingers slipping need to try not eating chips/pizza/other greasy foods while playing. I've had the PS3 almost since launch and never once had this problem, but it's also been a house rule since the NES days: do not eat while playing. Wash your dang hands before you grease up the

Great. Now all I can think about is a Martin-style sitcom where Batman plays a dozen different characters, but they all wear the mask and have the same growling voice.

[pictured: You.]

If you can find a copy of the full game, I strongly recommend it. It's the only JRPG from this generation that stands up to the greatness of the SNES era in my eyes. A sequel to either Lost Odyssey or Alan Wake would be what ultimately makes me invest in an XBox One.

Now playing

The greatest aspect of Lost Odyssey wasn't even the main storyline, but the various short-story "memories" that you could unlock. These were some of the best-written and most emotional pieces of storytelling I've ever seen in a game.

Touch Fuzzy, get dizzy! Best onscreen effect in an SNES game.

Mmmmmmmm...... living in chili.....

If I decide to go the insane route and invest in yet another 3DS XL down the road, I'll let you know. hehe

Yup, but it's tricky. You have to do some juggling of SD cards to get all your local downloaded games/save data/Swapnotes/etc. to transfer over. All your Streetpass/Miis/Ambassador status come over automatically, though, so it's not entirely annoying.

But you've already got a Triforce of Special Edition consoles! Throwing this one to the mix would create a...... QUADforce!

See now that is just wrong. There's no reason for them to limit the number of transfers anyway. It's just one huge, illogical inconvenience.

Wait, what what what?

DAMMIT, NINTENDO. I only have one or two more transfers left between 3DS's, and I already gave up my original Zelda 3DS so I could have the Animal Crossing edition XL. And now you unveil THIS??