Is this the first Tales game to get a numbered sequel?
Is this the first Tales game to get a numbered sequel?
"Luigi Jones" is a character that NEEDS to exist. The name alone sells the concept.
Of course the XBox would get the boost at Toys R Us. Look at the vast majority of XBox Live's population.
Man, did Motomu Toriyama poop on your Cheerios or what?
And I happen to be a trained expert in the creative use and implementation of bodily fluid- and food-based descriptive past participles. So it appears we are at a sweat-infused impasse, Inigo Montoldyaso.
Or you could just invest in the game on literally any other platform, where it continues to get regular updates and is even halfway through its second season of tables. I just downloaded the latest table pack on the PS3/Vita this past week (plus on PSN, you buy the DLC once, you get both versions).
For those of you keeping score, that's PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC (Steam and Windows 8), Vita, 3DS, Mac, iOS and Android. I should have just left it at everywhere.
"Pretentious," not "Crooked."
Mmmmm.... sweaty foot-crusted Cheese Nips...
I knew I made the right decision with preordering a PS4, hehe.
That is so strange you mention the nuggets. I have Crohn's (localized entirely in my stomach) and the only entry on the McDonald's menu that I can still eat are the McNuggets. I have no idea what makes them different from everything else they offer, but yup. Bizarre.
MM: "Air Man? Is that you?"
Warchild is Cammy.
Just from that description alone, I already know I'd be a blubbering idiot through 90% of the game. All I have to do is start thinking of the final scene in "Life is Beautiful" and NOPE. CAN'T DO IT.
"... if you know what I mean... wink-wink, nudge-nudge..."
Come on, man! You can't leave this one out!