I think you sorely underestimate how many game-buying individuals out there still do not have a reliable internet connection. There are even spots in main cities where a strong internet signal is spotty at best.
I think you sorely underestimate how many game-buying individuals out there still do not have a reliable internet connection. There are even spots in main cities where a strong internet signal is spotty at best.
Christ, you whiny fucks need to just die off already.
I'm more of a fan of just not buying the console altogether, personally. But that's just me.
If people didn't speak out, the XBox One would still have its draconic DRM requirements and Earthbound would never have been released on the Virtual Console.
One download, one day, one time... which (and this is important) not everyone has the capability to do. So those folks can enjoy their $60 demo of Forza 5.
Not gonna say "but that's just DLC." But I WILL say "I told ya so" when it comes to Microsoft still slipping in online requirements after they claimed to have removed them.
Beautiful. That it was, but much like many other grand creations of humankind, the beauty has long been lost to the cruelty of time.
The first time I played this game (along with the other Nintendo Vs. arcade games, from Super Mario and Punch-Out! to the original Goonies) was around age 6 or so at the local Chuck E. Cheese. To those of you who are too young to remember the golden age of Chuck, that place used to be an absolute paradise for…
Better late to the party than never! hehe
Bonkers, you say? This theory is so crazy, it BONKS YOU OUT!!
I get breakfast from a drive-thru almost every day on my way to work (admittedly, probably more than I should, but I digress). On some days when I get paid, I tell the worker at the window that I'm paying for the person behind me in line as well. Don't know who they are or what they ordered, and I don't stick around…
Followed immediately by HD remasterings of the original Angry Birds games with additional CG background elements. "This is how we always envisioned Angry Birds should be played!"
Now I'm curious to know if hardcore fans of other developers have nicknames, too. Do SEGA fans have a nickname? Or fans of specific series, like Dragon Quest or Pokemon?
Five bucks to me means dinner.
So essentially, you're paying for a full-size demo of a game that doesn't interest you at all.
"Dear Jay Leno: Making"
Hooray, it's Steam Sale season! Where you can save money by spending money on games you'll never play or even install, and then take to the internet to brag about said money-wasting practice as a reason why consoles suck.