It actually says on the page that the Donkey Kong download won't even be available until the 15th. People couldn't download it now for full price if they tried.
It actually says on the page that the Donkey Kong download won't even be available until the 15th. People couldn't download it now for full price if they tried.
"Launch the attack! SOUND THE TRUMPETS OF WAR!!!"
Ahh yes, "just learn" Japanese! What a simple solution! Why didn't anyone ever think of that before?
I was ridiculously impressed that you actually took the time to type all that up, until I realized it was included in the vid's description. lol
It looks more similar to 3D Dot Game Heroes on PS3 than Minecraft, honestly, but the gameplay is leaning more towards WoW/Skyrim than Zelda.
I think you missed my point entirely on the Blade Runner front. When someone buys a movie, they pay for it once. With WoW you've got the initial cost of entry PLUS the monthly fees. Unless Blizzard does away with the monthly fees altogether, far fewer people will be willing to keep shelling out cash every month for a…
Lots of people watch Blade Runner because it's a great movie... that they own. They don't have to pay a monthly fee to keep possession of their copy of the film on VHS/DVD/Bluray. Likewise for all the great NES/SNES/N64/PS1/PS2/XBox/Genesis/Dreamcast games that are still worth playing today. I hope you can see the…
And I'm sure it will continue to do so for awhile yet, to some extent. But it's definitely already over the hill, past its prime, and will likely just continue a steady decline in user numbers as more players get bored with doing the same quests and missions over and over again.
8 million players, most of which have been paying for access to the same game on a monthly basis for years now, and are perfectly fine with playing the same content over and over and over. No chance of them ever getting bored and moving on to other games, right?
This is why that 8 million is what's left after players…
Actually, I was one of the first subscribers to the game. It came out while I was in undergrad at college. The last time I played it was just after Burning Crusade was released — after having played it for a few years and seeing that the expansion was just more of the same, I played about a month of it before losing…
Pretty much the last-ditch effort to drain as much money from their remaining subscriber base as possible before the last few diehard factions finally abandon ship.
Your name should be Greg the TRUTH.
I got a mystery block, and it ceased working after a day.
Have you really not been able to figure out by now that I honestly just don't care?
I'd suggest moving the recommendation for the "Bell Boom" town ordinance more towards the top, since that's one of the most vital steps to maximizing your profits on beetle hunts. People who just skim through the article and stop at the beetle price list might miss that bit of info.
I actually don't have any problems with emulation, and made no statements as to my own stance on the issue. I was just backing up Bickle's statement that the majority of emulation is done in the name of piracy. To try to claim otherwise is pretty naive.