Edit: Dammit, Kinja... a reply is supposed to post IN THE THREAD. Sigh. Disregard this.
Edit: Dammit, Kinja... a reply is supposed to post IN THE THREAD. Sigh. Disregard this.
Okee doke! I'll go ahead and spend my holiday looking up statistics on ROM downloads, re: legitimate vs. illegal. Tell you what, you stay on this page and keep hitting "Refresh" for the rest of the day so you can catch my response the moment it goes live. Just you wait, I'll show you!
So I see you chose to stick with the "willfully and stubbornly ignorant of reality" path. Good for you.
Bickle3's proof is what's called "common sense." You give people an easily-obtainable path to get something for free that they'd otherwise have to pay for, they're going to run with it. It's human nature.
I am perfectly fine with this. Better than another got-dang Angry Birds.
Chibi Robo confirmed for Smash Brothers U/3DS!
This just happened in my game tonight.
I have one citizen whose house was just barely too close to where I wanted to build the third bridge in my town. I tried for a week straight to figure out how to get that dang teddy bear to move, but nothing I tried worked, and no one knew any effective techniques. Defeated and frustrated, I instead moved the bridge…
Exactly! I've never followed tournaments very closely on my own, but at college I had friends who were hardcore into fighting games (one is now on the Skullgirls dev team), so it was through them that I first saw that clip. I was just blown away by how crazy it gets. There's just got to be more moments like it; they…
Well yeah, that's what I meant by "positive." Not necessarily GOOD news, but news that gets that community excited, like the reasons why the FGC sticks around. Positive in terms of news that might draw people to the community.
It's respectable that Kotaku is trying reach out with open arms to the gamer communities by asking for positive news tips. Unfortunately, 95% of the time it's exactly as you described, Stephen: people just don't call in tips for happy stories.
It's a pretty sweet laptop, for sure... but does it taste like breast milk??
"She doozent eefen haff OXCESS to de foyleeng coat-ss!"
Wait... can you even use a credit card on uPlay? I thought it was just a crappy little Achievements copycat system they implanted into their games.
...but the White Russian screams my name.
"They're also a bit jittery, so if you're a fan of Pop Rocks and other kinetic candy, you'll feel right at home."
Wouldn't it vary from person to person depending on the diet, though? I'd imagine eating more sugary foods would make it sweeter.
The awkward moment when this article almost became My Wife: The Snacktaku Review.