The greatest video game football player, perhaps. But the greatest athlete in video game history?
The greatest video game football player, perhaps. But the greatest athlete in video game history?
If there is a potentially dangerous something in your house that you do not fully understand, why are your children playing with it?
Yeah, who needs the comfort of a house built on solid ground when there's a perfectly good burning ship beckoning you on the horizon?
You know what I don't understand? In an era of gaming where the indie development scene has embraced the "retro" style of 8- and 16-bit gaming, with everything from the graphics to the game design to even the music... why hasn't someone come up with a new 16-bit cartridge-based console for retail?
Really, think about…
When did I even mention the Public Domain laws? I'm talking specifically about gaming, and the amount of time required for something to become legally free to the general public is far greater than the gaming industry has even been in existence.
I was expecting/hoping they would address it at some point in a back-handed dialogue exchange, in true Gearbox fashion. Awesome.
And that's only if the company that owns the rights to the content doesn't renew them before they expire.
Oh goody! This should be interesting, then.
Wait... game companies shouldn't be allowed to make money off the games they release? Content creators are prohibited from retiring after making enough money and must continue making new stuff, or else risk having their money taken away and be thrown in the gutters? A "less capitalist" society is "more superior"?
"But the Ouya is innocent! They're not providing any of the emulators or ROMs with the system! It's not their fault people use it as a piracy machine!"
There are games released 20+ years ago that are still bringing in profit to the companies that made them (see: the Virtual Console and PSN sales of PS1 Classics). Just because a product passes some arbitrary age doesn't mean it should suddenly become free to everyone.
Hey, the Amazing Spiderman game wasn't so bad.
DAT'S IT!!!!!
Man, the nicknames for fanbases in Japan are so much more creative than what we have. Here people just seem to slap "Tard" onto the end of the product/company name and call it a day.
Whaddayoo mean by dat? You sayin' I'm a cah-toon? You sayin' I'm some goofy-drawn Saturday-mornin-playin' laugh-at-me-cuz-I'm-funny show for your kids' entertainment?? Is THAT what you're sayin'?!
Googaru Street Vi-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Not necessarily. I mean I don't know how the body adjusts itself to accomodate implants, but I would assume that even if the volume didn't change, having it go where it's not supposed to go (or having the contents of something inside your body suddenly shift around) would still be pretty dang painful.
In case anyone wants it, here's my current town's theme: the Metroid "Item Get" fanfare.
Good lord! I would have passed out from seeing that. Probably wouldn't have even managed to call the nurse, lol.