Peter and Company

"I shall toss this pink monstrosity into the air... and wherever she lands, there shall she be buried."

You're like the soldiers still in battle years after WW2 ended, whose families were calling to them from the sidelines, trying to tell them the war was over... yet they struggle onwards, guns in hand, because in their minds, there is blood yet to be shed.

UPlay is more like an achievement-tracking system, so it's not that hard to integrate into other platforms. Origin is in the same category as Steam.

The difference: Ubisoft and Sega don't have proprietary content delivery services that they require Nintendo to embrace.

Ahhh, touche! Good point.

Well chances are the games list will likely include both the new 3D Mario and the new Mario Kart, which will guarantee a freakin' huge crowd. Combine that with people having to drive longer distances to get to the one store that has the demos, and I wouldn't be surprised if they end up cutting people off at the door.

Y'know, I heard so many people rave about Sonic Colors but I never had a chance to play it. I might have to scrounge up a copy of it at some point here. Is the DS version as good as the Wii?

They will be available at "hundreds of locations," though. Not ALL locations. Which knowing my luck means I'd have to drive 3-4 hours just to be able to wait another 3 hours to play 2 minutes of a new game.

Nothing really too dramatic here. Mostly info on games we already knew about. Kind of a disappointment overall.

I think the most amazing thing about this isn't just the fact that he can draw these illustrations using latte foam and syrup, but that he can do it in such a short time frame that the drink itself is still warm enough for the customer to enjoy. You've got be a crazy fast speed painter to be able to pull this off on

Pretty, but hi-res graphic upgrades won't fix the pain-in-the-ass Junction system.

Hehe, pretty much. Modified it a bit to fit the context, but yeah. I originally wrote it as a comment on a Kotaku post on Rovio's business practices, just sharing my reasons for not supporting them. It ended up getting copied and reposted a few places around the 'net. Nowadays if the subject pops up again, I'll post

Actually, the last total I remember reading was that Rovio's total worth as a developer was somewhere around $9 billion, with Angry Birds titles having been downloaded almost 2 billion times total. Zynga even offered $2.2 billion to buy them out and they turned it down. So my original post is actually selling them

Hmmmm. Based on the photos, that statue must be cold.

I never thought of it as a parody of RPG tropes when I played it in middle school, though. I just figured that was part of its overall style. It was just a funny game, hehe.

Read one of my other replies in this thread, it sums it up pretty well. You're right though, lack of innovation is definitely hurting the industry, but there's nothing innovative about Angry Birds.

Read my longer reply in this thread if you want to know specifics on why I hate them. It's not just because Angry Birds is successful. It's for their business ethics.

Nah, just for Rovio as a developer. Just to summarize and kind of put some context into things here...

So many hours spent playing FF9. So many more hours spent playing that damn addicting card game, harvesting new cards, beating rivals...