Peter and Company

Yup. The original Season Pass only includes the four DLC campaign add-ons they had been planning. I had to look it up again and it actually doesn't include anything about any DLC characters — the Mechromancer was just a preorder bonus.

Actually, I looked it up again since my post above, and the Mechromancer (as others have also pointed out) was a preorder bonus, not part of the season pass. The Pass's actual description only mentions the four DLC campaigns — any additional character DLC's were never a part of it.

Ahhh, you are correct, sir. I had to look it up again, and sure enough, the Mechromancer was a preorder bonus. The description on the Season Pass doesn't even mention a DLC character included at all. It's just the four DLC campaigns.

Looks like I'll be going a mix of Mania and Hellborn. Badass mutant psycho + extended, over-dramatic spoken monologues. Sold.

The Season Pass explicitly said in its description that it would cover 4 DLC campaign additions and one DLC character, the Mechromancer.

It almost seems like this "game" is a front just so the studio can claim to still be in the games business. Are we sure this developer doesn't have any ties to Tim Langdell?

I didn't know Sue Storm lived in Japan.

With the recent wave of articles praising sexualized male and female game characters, Kotaku seems to be desperately trying to make up for the whole Dragon's Crown debacle.

I think you misunderstood my intent. I only meant to point out that both the 360 and PS3 had extremely bumpy launches for their own reasons, yet they managed to find their stride and are still kicking ass today. There are people claiming that the Wii U will be dead before Christmas, or cause Nintendo to drop out of

Shhh! You'll alert the Sexist Hypocrisy Interrogation Team! You don't want to deal with that S.H.I.T.

Oh, ok... you're a PC head who values graphical quality over gameplay.

So I ask, what makes games like Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101, Game & Wario and Nintendoland "kid games?" The colorful, cartoony graphics? And even if that label were legitimate, why are "kid games" a bad thing?

The Resident Evil demo looks like it'll be fun, but it doesn't actually hit until Tuesday. Why can't they coordinate the digital updates so that we don't have to wait a week for them to finally show up in the store?

If you only have two games to play, you've only got yourself to blame. Here, I'll help:

Your name suits you, sir.

So many people hating on/laughing at Nintendo for the Wii U having a slow start, it's just ridiculous. I still love my Wii U and have never once regretted buying it on launch day. The Miiverse is awesome and I've got plenty of games still to beat before the next big releases come down the road.

If "gimmick" were the secret word, you'd have just given Pee-wee an aneurysm.

This reminds me of a sandwich my wife put together last Thanksgiving. She takes the uncooked stuffing left over, adds a bit of egg to it, forms it into patties and bakes it. Put one of those on a potato bun or roll, put a bit of cranberry sauce and a splash of gravy, and oh my God it's so delicious.

I briefly thought it was interesting how there was one random flat-chested girl amongst the rest of the super-buxom crowd. Then her transformation hits and it's like, BOOBS OUT OF NOWHERE.