There was an ad for Regal or AMC recently (I forget which) that had a bunch of internet meme characters waiting outside the theater for the person to come back out. One of those "turn off your phone" types of commercials. Nyan Cat was included in that, too, but I have no idea if they got permission or not.
... memes are copyrighted?
Holy crap, these are glorious. Please tell me they have plans for an international release. My wife watches plenty of K-dramas on Netflix already (I think she's watching one called Vampire Lawyer right now or something), but this is the first I'd actually willingly watch with her, lol.
Loytnin' has just struck mah brayn.
I never get tired of Bangarang.
The faucet on the fourth floor was left on, flooding the building.
It's called a "refund."
If you're going to show Jill and Chris as representatives of the 90's, you need to showcase their original low-poly cubist PS1 renditions. Their Gamecube redesigns are really better suited for the 2000's edition of this history.
I'd argue that the difference in brightness and color clarity is not that drastic with glasses on, if even noticeable at all to the majority of folks. Wreck-It Ralph, the Avengers, and the Hobbit were all just as brilliant and gorgeous in 3D as they were in 2D.
That is a remarkably limited potential use for an entire dedicated Android console, though. Most people don't end up going on regular vacations and staying in hotels multiple times a year — at least not enough to warrant an entire $100 console just to play mobile games on the hotel TV. Even if your job requires…
I can't understand why some people just hate on 3D media in general. I mean if they're adversely affected by it (migraines and such), that's understandable. But I know a few who still refuse to acknowledge it as anything but a fad or gimmick, or even claim that it "will be dead in a couple years," despite the…
I find it amazing that Nintendo put this warning on the console to try and claim the 3D effects as potentially detrimental to one's eyesight. I've heard so many stories of people (particularly younger children) who had vision problems that were gradually improved just from playing the 3DS over time. I'm really…
Speaking of "the cheapest internet criticism in human history," good job on contributing nothing of value to the topic beyond a long-winded "analysis" of my original comment. You certainly are leading by example. Bravo.
Real women definitely have curves.
I can't wait until we reach the summary of characters in 2013, when we behold the budding age of neutral, inoffensive character design. When even the slightest hint of sexual appeal in a character is publicly shamed and torn apart, and the artist himself is branded as a deviant adolescent-minded pervert, regardless of…