Peter and Company

Okay, that's enough internet for one day...

I know. I've just always called it a "head-punch" since I first played the NES Mario when I was 7. Force of habit.

As cool as this whole thing is, the part that really sticks with me is the fact that if Mario goes low enough to head-punch a floor tile, it turns into a solid post-coin block. I wonder if that means the floor tiles throughout the entire game are just reskinned coin bricks, and would react as such if you were able to

A few years before I started high school in the mid-90's, there was a student who committed suicide on the school grounds. He rode a motorcycle to the school's field, left a suicide note in his helmet, did a few laps around the track, and then drove straight into the brick wall of the gym locker rooms, doing about 60

I'd like to say you're witty and completely correct in this comparison. And as a kid I liked to say I was a Ninja Turtle.

Nice. I don't have a problem with her having emotions. I have a problem with those emotions being out-of-character. By the time Other M takes place, she has defeated Ridley a good number of times already (it takes place after Super Metroid, which is after the Prime series, chronologically). So why would it make sense

Yes. I actually pointed this out in one of my other replies. Red, Green and Blue are the primary colors of LIGHT. But what Mike talked about in the article — learning about mixing colors at an early age in grade school — was most likely referring to paints in art class. Which would have been Red, Yellow, and Blue.

I did too, but only for the action portions, which were Metroid-y enough to be enjoyable. But then they butchered Samus's character and portrayed her as this terrified little girl behind the suit, when she had already fought and defeated Ridley several times over by that point in the storyline. It just made absolutely

Hopefully they give us SOMETHING Metroid-flavored at E3 this year. Something that doesn't involve Team Ninja. It'd be perfect as old-style 2D exploration, but heck I'll even take another 3D Prime FPS at this point.

Yes, but that is using the colors of light. That's completely different than what Mike was describing here; learning about mixing colors in grade school would have involved using paint, which would have taught the primary colors as R-B-Y.

Now playing

Actually, the primary colors are Red, Blue and Yellow. The secondary colors (which can be made with a combination of any two of the three primaries) are violet, green and orange.

Man, this month has just completely drained my budget for gaming. I'm going to have to make some sacrifices and pull enough trade-in credit to afford this one tomorrow. Heck, I might just end up holding off on it for now; I've already got Monster Hunter, Lego City Undercover, Luigi's Mansion, Tomb Raider, Sly Cooper 4

I just have this odd image of a Human Spambot boot camp, complete with drill sergeants and thousands of locker-style mailboxes set up for people to practice on 10 hours a day.

What? I don't see antyhing wrong with it.

Looking through the comments on here, I honestly can't believe this is still even being discussed. Trying to say it's racist for a white girl to "not act like a white girl" is inherently racist itself. Plenty of white girls actually talk like her in real life. If you don't believe me, take a visit to my old high

Hmmm.... I dunno, I heard my friend's aunt Magica say that Ma Beagle wasn't very trustworthy. Though then again, I think she's pretty paranoid of everything...

I would say "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY," but I'm currently up to my eyeballs in debt to McDuck Enterprises. I've had to work the past three Christmases just to cover the interest. Blabberin' blatherskite...

I'm pretty sure this is one of those "you only see it if you want to see it" types of deals. It just looks like a flesh-toned tank top to me.

If these breasts are "massive" to you, you must hang around some pretty flat-chested women. 2013 Lara is more average-sized, at best.

Context or not, when someone basically says "I've met very few who are as good in my field as I am," it makes them look horrendously arrogant. He can try to clarify his intentions all he wants, but it doesn't change the fact that he's obviously full of himself, which is a terribly unattractive quality.