Hey, you got Jezebel in my Kotaku!
Hey, you got Jezebel in my Kotaku!
HAHA, wow. So unless a gamer know everything there is to know about game development, they're supposed to just shut up and not share any of their thoughts on anything at all? I've never known someone who was so senselessly critical of the existence of other people's opinions.
Actually, if the new XBox uses practically the same controller as the 360, I'll be just as disappointed. Though I think my opinion on the matter is swayed a bit by the changes the Wii U tablet brought to the scene. Just having a graphical upgrade in the new console doesn't seem like that big of a deal to me in the…
Really? If that's the case, then from everything I've heard from the "PC Master Race" crowd, it should have looked even better! 'Cuz consoles are doomed to always run inferior graphics hardware and look nowhere near as good as PC releases, so they say.
What I like most about your response is reading your username afterwards, hehe.
And on your left, you'll notice an internet commenter who enjoys telling other people that their opinions are incontrovertibly wrong.
Well to take one example from the show: Graphically speaking, Watch Dogs looked barely improved over what's currently running on the PS3, if at all.
Mmmmm actually no, I primarily play on my PS3 and 360, though the Wii U has admittedly been capturing my attention more lately.
Yes, because games are only for people who know everything there is to know about game development, including the inner workings of whatever console they're playing at the moment. Anyone who doesn't have a deep understanding of the complex programming that goes into a next-gen enemy AI's subroutines is just a troll…
I definitely agree with you on the dragon game. It looked like a prerendered cutscene that they had superimposed a bit of UI over top to make it look like gameplay. I'll be impressed if the final product indeed looks like that, but just from the video montage, I also was not convinced.
You don't think the two typically go hand-in-hand?
I dunno. I guess I was just hoping they would finally move away from the standard Dualshock design for their controller. Call me spoiled by the Wii U's gamepad, but I was just hoping to see something different for once in the Playstation's brand life.
Wait... where did you see that the DualShock 4 has Move functionality built-in? From what I saw on the presentation, they described the front color panel as primarily being used in conjunction with the included stereo camera to identify individual players and locate them in the room. The other demos they showed — like…
I love the "..." separating the clarification of it only being released in Japan for now. There's going to be a lot of broken-hearted Zelda fans in that thread.
I still have my copies on my Game Gear! Best games EVER.
The short answer: ZombiU.
I figured as much. Judging from the PS3's original reveal and how they held it up like the freakin' Lion King.
Actually, I have every console... and will likely own the new ones as well over time. So I'm not "justifying my purchase." I love all three of the console players.
True too. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.