Then how long is? If you know you don't like a game after the first hour, why force yourself to play through 39 more just to go "Yup, that still sucked" at the end of it? Why waste the time?
Then how long is? If you know you don't like a game after the first hour, why force yourself to play through 39 more just to go "Yup, that still sucked" at the end of it? Why waste the time?
Hey, whoa now. You watch what you say about Lost Odyssey. That game had one of the most well-written stories (particularly the memories you unlock) and more staying power than any Final Fantasy title released this gen.
You apparently didn't bother to actually listen to the recordings in the article.
Coulton now needs to make an entire album of covers of Glee's various arrangements over the past 4 seasons, but only give credit to the original song's artist(s).
The punchline?
Oh, you.
Incorrect. We white men can typically neither jump nor dance.
Waiting patiently for my Wizard's Edition to arrive in the mail next week. Here's hoping it makes it by launch day and I don't have to sit there pouting while the rest of the world is already face-deep in the game.
I'd like to see the team that did Bravely Default be assigned to the next Chrono game. THEN we'd see some results.
Question one: How come you made this instead of a new Chrono game?
My God, we're multiplying!!
Ugh. Stopped at Ugh. Most overrated interjection of disgust of all time.
And the unworthy shalt be like the swine of the Earth, and lo, not even their fortresses of stone and glass shalt protect them from Their divine wrath.
The mobile marketplace is quickly killing both console and PC gaming. Thanks to inexpensive and innovative games like this, mobile gaming will soon dominate the industry.
Final Fantasy: All the Bravest...
I've literally downloaded and played hundreds of games from the App Store over the years that I've had my various iPhones. To this day the most fun I've had with them were games that had gameplay elements designed around a touch-screen interface. Puzzle, solitaire/card/casino, word, and drawing games all work…
... I've never tried that, but it totally makes sense. Forcing them to reopen the door every time would slow down the horde and give you breathing time between kills.
Power and graphics capabilities doesn't make it a gaming platform, though. Controls will always be an issue, and without a universal physical control option, all games will be limited to touch-screen virtual buttons... and I've yet to play a single game on iOS where such a control scheme wasn't a completely broken…
Plenty of adults in Miiverse. There are some damn talented artists sketching up stuff in there. You just gotta know which communities to visit.