Peter and Company

Man, I never got to see that Jurassic Park one with all the pieces lining up. I just saw a couple spread apart and thought it looked kinda odd. That's a cool idea!

Look around the 3:40 mark for the AVGN as a news reporter. Hehe

Keep an eye out for a random cameo from a certain moderately-frustrated gamer.

What gives, Evan? You gave a good preview of Hello Kitty, but then glossed completely over Biorhythm, a game that is one of the most highly-anticipated titles on the system! Like all games with "rhythm" in the title, you use the touchscreen keypad to generate tones on the sine wave in time with your heart beat,

Yeah, I saw this in stores, too... right next to Scrabble. Also, they had Draw Something sitting right next to Pictionary, with a big sticker advertising it as cheaper.

Actually — and if it is indeed through supercooling — from the graphics on the front of the machine, I'd assume it was intentionally configured to make it happen. Since it gives instructions on how to freeze it.

I honestly don't know. The only way I can think would be if there were some chemicals in the cap that would mix when the seal is broken, and would freeze the drink. But you'd think the coke would taste all weird after that.

My neighbors across the street had one of those HUGE trampolines that you could fit like a half-dozen people onto. All I remember from my first time jumping on it — I was maybe 8 years old at the time — was after we got off and they said "Now try jumping!"

Agreed. The best part of jumping on a trampoline for an hour straight was after you got back on solid ground, and tried to jump on your own. For the first couple minutes, gravity felt 10 times stronger.

I know someone who was fired for tweeting about the Occupy Wall Street movement when that was all going on. Her office was told to go home at lunch because (according to her — she never gave me all the details) the police were planning to disperse the protesters somehow. After leaving the building (and clocking out),

Now playing

Speaking of vending machines, I'm still waiting for America to catch up in the self-freezing Coke technology.

This is going to end up as viral marketing for a new movie. Watch as the next article reports that Nicholas Cage has shown up to crack the code.

I was actually referring to the type of trolling that is straight-up internet bullying, several recent cases of which have resulted in physical harm or even death of the victim, with often little-to-no consequences (or remorse) on the part of the trolls due to the anonymous nature of the internet.

I know, I know. Trolls can't be stopped and will always be a risk in having any sort of presence online. You post anywhere, you're bound to encounter one eventually. Such is life on the grand highway of anonymity that is the internet.

"The games... I cannot trust them. So I put... googally eyes on them all in order to... feel safer."

Why, that's the legendary Gizmoduck! From Ducktales and Darkwing Duck. He appeared as a secondary character in both shows, but was never given a show of his own... and to this day I can't figure out why. He was AWESOME.

If Naughty Bear apparently deserved a sequel, Darksiders sure as hell deserves one, too.

Thing is, I honestly didn't even intend it to be a trolling statement! I thought the way I'd worded it would quite plainly be read as a joke. XD

And before anyone else asks for a "source" on this statement... here you go.

Absolutely, it's all explained in detail right here.