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You left off the big one: Christopher Reeve as Superman.

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Also, for the most unassailable scientific response in the history of film:

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Dr. Mordin Solus from Mass Effect 2/3. Always gets to do the patter songs.

Jezebel bitched about something...colour me amazed.

Huh. It's weird how this was posted here and on Jezebel, but the post here is more...objective, for lack of a better word? Please keep approaching topics in this vein on i09. It's much appreciated.

Why? I mean....WHY?!

Please never. Please.

Calvin & Hobbes: I don't care how amazing the CGI is. I don't care about how awesome it would be to see Spaceman Spiff on the big screen. I don't care about seeing the story advance or answering the question on Hobbes's existance. I don't care. I don't want to see my favorite comic strip ruined by the Hollywood

Was waiting for a female assassin reference. It's the new "arrow to the knee" joke.

The ram was barely a thing in IV.

Actually, these are:

Screw AC. Give me more pirate games like that and I'll gladly keep throwing my money at you.

I'm just going to take this as an opportunity to repost this, since it seems appropriate:

I'll be upfront. I overall thought Man of Steel was decent. HOWEVER, this scene that you mention in particular is truly unbelievably awful.

By curiosity, what is your opinion on Batman Beyond, with Batman having stopped being Batman for decades before McGinnis came along?

Man of Steel: Pa Kent's death (and also Pa Kent in general)

I think the movie works fairly well as a Hollywood tent pole zombie movie, but it's such a let down from the source material. Should have been a mini-series.

The ending of "I Am Legend".

Changing it from a post-war oral history project to a mid-war FIGHT THE OUTBREAK narrative to create a false sense of action, along with switching the zombies from shamblers to runners. Runners have their place, but part of the reason the outbreak became as dire as it did is that modern militaries just weren't