
(Couldn't find a picture of the appropriate scene*)

Exactly. Go rain on someone else's parade with your snobbish attitude, and let the man enjoy his movie.

plebeians*, Because I no can typing today.

"My taste in movies is far above those of you normal plebians, so anything you say you enjoyed more than whatever my favorite movie is, is obviously wrong".

Ghostbusters reboot with Melissa McCarthy? Yea, I'll pass. You guys have fun with that.

I went in not thinking I was going to like Vega at all, and figured he'd spend most of the game on the ship. But I ended up surprised by how much I liked him. So much, in fact, that by the end of my first run my 3 man team was Shepard, Garrus, and Vega. The banter between Garrus and Vega was excellent.

Without getting into all the possible changes due to the blade, I think Dean simply retaining his meatsuit makes a huge difference. Think of all the ways the Winchesters have dealt with demons up until now. How many of them are an option for dealing with Dean?

Pretty much covers my opinion on the whole feathered-dinosaur controversy.

Not waiting for a sale myself, I'm just waiting for the entire season to be released. I can't stand the two month wait between episodes.

You presume to talk for all women ( unsurprisingly). Even you're "At the beginning" nonsense is exactly that, nonsense. So, every time I've ever given my wife a happy wake up, it's been rape/sexual assault? Because I didn't ask for consent first? It's been rape/sexual assault every time she's done the same for me?

Because not everybody is you and has the relationship you apparently do? I could only imagine this scenario with my wife;

Do not watch then. I made the mistake of doing so, and my nostalgia was killed.

I'm seeing a lot of good answers, and Howard is hard to top, but I think I may just have it beat...

I'm excited for The Last of Us on PS4, even though I do own the PS3 version, because my 360 owning best friend didn't get to play it, but he does now own a PS4. If he enjoys it as much I believe he's going to, then it's going to be awesome to do the multiplayer together, something we obviously didn't get to do last

Curiosity is getting the better of me here. Does the Japanese audio have Wakka speak with the same accent? Or was that something forced on the character through the English translation?

The new 52 Supergirl costume is contender, I believe. I'll give it that the cape actually looks kind of cool, but everything else is just horrible. And it sure as hell doesn't look comfortable to wear.

Is Monsters that good? I've yet to see it, but I loved Godzilla.

I'm not sure Edwards was going to have too much trouble with that anyway, considering the success of Godzilla.

Others exist! I love Dragon Age 2. The only complaint I had was the reuse of assets, and it wasn't nearly enough to bother me.