
“I’m not grasping for as many straws as it may appear.”

I disagree. This is silly.  

The level of inability to think critically that is required to equate viewpoints that don’t align with your own as “nazi” is exactly what got this place where it is today. Forget it Jake, it’s victimtown.

I’m almost positive the entire point of this article was to show that they definitively do not “Have this.”

Sorry we ruined your black panther party.

You’re bloggers, not journalists. You write bullshit about bullshit, push propaganda, and don’t even have to tell the truth to be credible.

If this means the end of The Root, Jezebel, and Deadspin, then maybe I’ll start believing their is a God afterall.

Legit cannot wait till you’re all out of jobs. To think you’re anything other than far left hacks is comical.

You guys created The Root. You all deserve to lose your jobs.

You can thank the disaster that was Gawker leadership for putting you in this situation.

Maybe they shouldn’t have outed a gay man and shouldn’t have died on the “post the Hulk Hogan sex tape” hill.

There is nothing like Gizmodo Media Group on the internet.

Need to cut costs, time to kill The Root. That should save some wasted money.

Biting the hand that feeds. You would be unemployed if not for Univision saving your asses from complete insolvency and further embarrassment, if the latter is even possible considering the circumstances. Labeling their act of altruism, and yes opportunity (this is America after all), as greed is so disingenuous it’d

AJ, the assassin of Gawker.

Will you please pass the salt?

Oh no, its having an ‘anxiety attack” (self diagnosed im sure)

Protip - if your relationship requires a post to ask Dr Nerd love. Its already over.

I may get some flak for this (especially because I suspect I won’t word this as carefully as I should), but:

So...girlfriend can have sex with other partners, you cannot be part. Because if you were, she might leave you. Let’s note SHE IS HAVING SEX WITH OTHER PEOPLE but you shouldn’t be part of it if you allow it because she’s going to leave.

Come on,this dude is not running for office and I am willing to bet every damn guy that reads this has enjoyed some porn.
This really is somme unfair bullshit. This is exactly the kind of stuff that gives this site a bad name for a trend of petty nasty shit posts. Its truly a distasteful almost bullying expose and