
Talented Kotaku reader Bonny John's ambitious project—to draw one Pokémon per day—is about to end, as he just finished an amazing Mew fan-art as his 151st drawing in a row.

Honestly, I'm getting tired of this growing attitude where fans think the story should be told the way they want it to be told. I've been getting sick of this attitude since Mass Effect 3. That's not how stories work. Someone writes it, someone else experiences it. The reader/viewer doesn't have to like it, but they

Both? I love this game. I've almost got the Platinum trophy. I feel like people hold all games up to this insane standard, where everything has to be a AAA affair or it's no good. I've had a blast with this game, and will continue to while I level up all the suits and finish the rest of the races.

i actually really enjoy this game. of course it isn't the greatest spider-man game of all time but i find it very fun and entertaining. maybe i have low standards or just a huge spider-man fan lol

Meh. I love this game. I'm a Spiderman game fan though... I'm almost on my way to getting the Platinum for this one. Swinging is a blast, and combat is fun. Stealth had a huge step back from the first ASM game, but overall the game is enjoyable.

I see what you are saying. But I love it. I am a huge Spidey fan and I love the game. It's not that I think it is perfect, but at least I have the feeling that I am Spidey. It could use a lot of improvement. But I love it. Great review

Ignore the zombie detractors.

Hell no! I still use a cart to carry my cellphone around. I'm keeping it old school.

Happy to hear about Chasm, my PC barely holds down Facebook games so I'm glad it's coming to the PS4.

1/10 Bad attempt at trolling. Must try harder.

I really enjoyed all the song and dance interludes in The Avengers.

As opposed to what, the dark and gritty adventures of the living teddy-bears that we got in the 80's?

He's not, actually. Wonder Woman's way more of a cultural force. Most people would actually have a hard time telling you who Green Lantern is. He didn't, after all, have a fairly popular television series starring Linda Carter in the 1970s. DC's big three have always been Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman.

"Not even Green Lantern could stand on his own, so clearly there's no way a woman could get the job done!"

You do actually get that the first amazing spider-man tie in actually got pretty good reviews and actually having played it wasn't all that god awful like most movie tie-ins

You're not alone. Had a great time with the last ASM game, and I'm super pumped for this one. I have it pre-loaded on Steam.

I like you, Mr. Fahey. You don't ruin my weekends.

Also, am I the only one who thinks Beenox is doing a good job with Spiderman? I quite enjoyed the last spiderman game, and even pre-ordered this one. I don't get all the hate, it's no Spiderman 2 I'll give you that, but it's still a pretty good game, and this one will

"Uh, really? The garbage movie tie-in game that was rushed to store shelves (that I haven't played) is your "high profile" title over the gorgeous Child of Light (which makes my heart throb just thinking about it even though I haven't played it), the high reviewing Mario Golf World Tour (which has more content than

I disagree; he's way more like the one on the comics than Toby Maguire's! He's a New Yorker with a New Yorker accent, he's a cocky smart ass and a wise crack. He's caring about his aunt, shy around Gwen, etc.

I'm going to disagree with most people's opinion here; as a lifelong Spider-Man fan and comic book reader I think Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker and Spider-Man are both fantastic. He's as much a fan of the character as we are, and I think the Amazing Spider-Man reboot was a better Spider-Man movie than the original