Bullying takes many different forms. It was the worst for me when it came under the guise of friendship.
Bullying takes many different forms. It was the worst for me when it came under the guise of friendship.
why you disrespecting me bro
Dead Space wasn't that bad once you figured out how to shoot back.
Holy shit, the rage, dickwaving, and goalpost-moving in these comments over a screenshot gallery is just embarrassing. I swear, these shots could be 100% photorealistic at an absurdly high resolution, and the vast majority of the comments would still be a split between "But it's not on a PC, so it looks like…
Poor Octodad.
This seems like a tautology, if you're going to define everything that's breastless and stocky as 'male', then yeah pretty much everything short of introducing silly structural weaknesses like boob plates is going to be 'male'. Protective materials generally aren't slimming, so pretty much everyone ends up looking…
And what if I'm an amputee, differently-abled otherkin?! WHAT ARE MY OPTIONS THEN
Clearly a human, so not species neutral. I am a non-binary star lizardkin, and the lack of trigger warnings on this have caused me severe emotional stress.
Spider-Man and the X-men are not in the same Marvel Universe as The Avengers. Back when Marvel was struggling financially, they sold the rights to Spider-Man and The X-Men to Sony and Fox respectively. Thats why there are no mentions of mutants in the MCU (Marvel cinematic universe aka the Avengers universe).
I'm glad I'm not the only one who liked DA2.
Please, please, PLEASE...don't have a silent protagonist. Give him\her a voice actor, it feels awkward in the extreme to me when they go without.
Here is the TOTAL HEAVY METAL ALBUM box art for DA:I.
But it's not class neutral however. What if I want to play a non-armored, cloth wearing mage or healer?
The quote about it being good to have the lounge to the side was in the context of the expo floor as an alternative. Obviously the expo floor is not going to be conducive to conversing or learning, and floorspace there is at a premium already. Having it in one of the many rooms is perfectly reasonable. Having it in…
Typical Grayson article. PAX goes out of their way to make a spot where anyone, regardless of any differences they have from 'the crowd' can feel safe and secure, they place it where it's less noisy and boisterous, and you still manage to give the article an overall negative view.
You need to get over yourself, and…
Yay fellow Infamous photographers :D
People can say whatever they want about Fallout 3, but no other game can match it's atmosphere.
One of my many favorite screen grabs from the latest Tomb Raider. I have many more gorgeous shots from that game.
This facehugger egg is cake and chocolate: