
Offline Gauntlet-style four player local coop? I'll regret nothing. When that was announced, that practically guaranteed I'd be buying it.

Honestly, all I ever hear from the non-gaming people is how much of a waste of time it is, usually right before they sit down to watch some insipid reality tv show.

I'll remain cautiously optimistic about this. I thought multiplayer was a good addition in both Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect 3. And while unnecessary, mp didn't manage to hurt Tomb Raider at all.

Did it actually show for you? I'm getting a broken image thingy.

Well, at least Kotaku is consistent, I'll give them that.

I doubt he'll actually show, but this was my first thought as well.

This seems both unnecessarily angry and needlessly snarky. And comments such as this :

Amazing job. Kirk, more like this, please.


What a thing to get that worked up about...

I don't really think "don't bother at all" was his message. I hope companies continue to improve their security, and I doubt that person was advocating that their information be floating free in the wind out there.

I have to go with BeastPC here. My family was military, so I went to a multitude of different schools across the country and even in other countries during the 80s. And if there was one constant feature across all of them, it was that profanity frothed from the mouths of most elementary students like rabies from an

Well, technically, that's what the new game is about, and these comics are just the lead-in.

"Dammit , this game rated for teens and not kids is too violent for kids! And how dare they be as dark and gritty as the comic books?! Games based off comic books should never have the same tone and vibe of the comics! Because kids, dammit! KIDS!"

I didn't have many complaints when I played it for a short time. I just have a hard time getting into MMOs whatsoever, be they console or PC. And I haven't seen a whole lot of complaining about it on the gaming sites I visit. What was so horrible about it?

Well, they did bring DCUO over to consoles and it works pretty well.

What do you consider a decent amount of time? Spidey wore the black suit for a number of years back in the '80s.

You know what? Let's start over here. I feel there may have been a miscommunication or misunderstanding somewhere, probably by me.

So now you're going to cherry pick quotes to support your argument?

I'm not sure we're reading the same comments section then. Most of what I've seen have been comments complaining about the christian featured in the article.