
Good on Valve for giving him the refund, considering I feel they would have been well within their rights to say "No, you received a perfectly functional game. The fact that you won't play it due to a scene you don't like is not the same as not being able to play it".

Apparently, what you are missing is the article itself. Did your page simply load only with the comment section, and not the article? The whole article was about a christian complaining about the baptism.

Not a whole lot to go on, so I'm just going to guess it's Wet 2.

It's dangerous to go alone! Take this!


I'll throw my hat in the ring as well and say I loved this entire week of Mass Effect. A excellent idea for such an excellent series.

It's like people didn't bother to actually read past "EA didn't ruin Bioware..." in the title before running down to type how that can't possibly be true in the comments.

EA is paying to run his microbrewery?

An ex employee who is off running a microbrewery is somehow in need of covering his ass?

You can't fire ex-employees who have already quit. This guy is and has been gone from Bioware for a while now.

Personally, I'd say it was so good that they should expand this to Mass Effect Month, rather than just Mass Effect Week. Opinions, ya know?

Maybe it does, but daylight is obscured by the massive amounts of smog Gotham produces?

Having rewatched Batman Beyond recently due to its addition on Netflix, I can heartily agree!

Name: Morgan Shepard ( yes, that is a pic of the default femshep).

YAY! I love the entire Mass Effect series. Can't wait to read what you guys come up with.

I'd tell you yes, but that's because I hated No Mercy. Always preferred the ps1 Smackdown games.

So, you feel they should have just continued to put out a new Rock Band game consistently, rather than updating the one they already had out? That worked so well for Guitar Hero.

Considering they have usually sold-out stadiums wherever they go across the country, I'd have to say yes, they have a bigger following than southern american white men. Considering I'm a northerner, I also have some anecdotal evidence to back that up.

BOO! Boo, I say!

Final Fantasy 7: City of The Ancients. One of the first times in gaming I remember feeling like "People used to live here. I wonder what happened to them?". The music really help set the tone of this isolated, long dead city as well.