
I’ve seen this movie a million times, watch it every year, I even saw the Musical, and I only just this week realized the movie takes place in the late 30s and not the 50s. I always assumed this movie was a perfect encapsulation of my father’s childhood growing up in the 50's, but NOPE! 

Are they going to reproduce the scene where the innocent six year old boy gets his head run over like an exploding watermelon while the “bullies” laugh hysterically?

“You’re the man now, dog!” was such a meme at the time that it was used as a line in the student written senior play at my High School that year.  Not many people actually saw the movie, but everyone knew and quoted that line from the trailer.

Fuck I would LOVE to just end the movie theatre experience for new releases once and for all and just watch that shit in the comfort of my own home where no one talks through the damn film except for me and mine.

“bragging” - hm, this is a pretty flimsy thing to randomly troll about, but I’m glad you had some fun with it.



The episode where Maev keeps waking up in WW2-World trying to figure out a way to escape was the highlight of the season for me by far.  Probably because it mostly took place in the park and felt like something from Season 1.  

So once the credits started to roll I turned off the TV and went to bed.  Now I wake up to read on the internet that I missed a post-credits scene that reveals the death of one of the main characters in the show?  WTF seriously?!  That couldn’t have been included in the body of the episode, it gets shunted to a

This was a good episode.  The show is starting to feel like “Detroit: Become Human - The Series” but that’s not necessarily a bad thing since I like that game.

I am finding, after the first three episodes of S3, that the scenes in the park hold my interest a lot more than the rest of the story.  Episode 2 with Maev in one of the parks was riveting, the first and third episodes I struggled to keep engaged.  It’s still good, but I am thinking I am in the minority of fans who

I thought it was a bit cold hearted for Kate to trick her sister like that. Doesn’t seem like the best way to try and bring her back to the light, and will only exacerbate the PTSD Alice has over being held captive her whole life.

That’s just my point.  Why does Poltergeist and Tobe Hooper always get this sort of disrespect that the movie was “ghost-directed” by Spielberg, but other movies like Gremlins or Back to the Future, that “feel like Spielberg” the way Poltergeist does, do not get that kind of accusation.  Tobe Hooper directed

Anyone ever talk about Spielberg ghost-directing Back to the Future? or is that particular brand of disrespect reserved only for Tobe Hooper?

Disney’s animated classic, and “Hook” are the only good movie adaptations. (Yes, Hook is GOOD dammit!) The rest are boring, pretentious, and too far from the source material to even be recognized as Peter Pan.   

I liked Rise of Skywalker.  My girlfriend liked it.  All my friends who saw it liked it.  The audience I saw it with applauded and clearly loved it.  The young tween-age girl sitting to my left was enthralled by it.  It’s a crowd pleasing epic final installment of the Star Wars movies, lots of people loved it.  It was

I didn’t like The Last Jedi, so I guess I will like this one?

I don’t care about Papa John or his pizza, but I watched this interview based on the reactions and was very disappointed.  Papa John came off as disgruntled sure, and the claim of eating 40 pizzas in a month is weird, but otherwise this was a fairly boring and average interview.  It doesn’t remind me of Event Horizon,

Is this the final season?

Did you see Episode 5 of HBO’s Watchmen? It finally puts to rest the whole “Snyder changed the ending to Watchmen because WhAt WoRkS oN tHe PaGe DoEs NoT AlWaYs WoRk On ThE sCrEeN”argument by showing the giant cosmic squid full on and it works and the show is brilliant.  I saw the episode and flashed back to the