
It’s only day 1 but I think the service can be cleaned up and organized better.  It’s still better than the DC Universe App, but that thing is a complete mess.

Disney+ doesn’t even have all the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies. (no Incredible Hulk or Spider-Man Homecoming). None of the X-Men movies appear to be on there. Star Wars: Solo is not on there yet. Gendy Tartakovski’s Clone Wars cartoon is not there. There is a lot of content, but I think there is still a lot for

It’s really funny and well done 

I never played this or watched anyone play this.  I just recently learned what it even is.  I feel old!!!

Awesome use of that quote!

The only mess has been the publishing delays, otherwise it’s one of the best books DC has been putting out.  It’s thoughtfully written and a gift for longtime fans of the DC Universe and it’s long legacy.  I’m loving analyzing every new issue and reading other analysis on blogs like this one 

So... there is going to be more than 5 episodes right? That really can’t be how it ends.

There is a comic book sequel to Watchmen currently being published called “Doomsday Clock”.  It is actually very good.

Really glad he said this.  I know some people that listen to him who probably need to hear it.  

Hudson Hawk is funny as hell. Also, Halloween 3 is legitimately good in the eyes of hardcore horror movie fans.

It’s actually very funny and clever.  Like you said, it’s a slapstick parody.  My girlfriend and I watched it recently and were laughing our asses off.  Last Action Hero is likewise way more clever and meta than people were ready for in the early ‘90s.  

It Chapter 2 was awesome, and it was every bit as scary as the first one.  The scene with the old woman (party shown in the trailer) made our entire audience jump out of their skin, it was freaky as hell.  This was a great adaptation of the source material.  This was a unique horror movie in that I actually cared

The Lawnmower Man was never considered to be a good movie, and has a terrible reputation. I like that it seems to be getting the Halloween 3 treatment, where people suddenly wake up to the fact that it’s good now and everyone re-evaluates their opinion of it.

Elseworld stories are based on concepts. Like, “What if Superman was Russian?” or, “What if Batman was a pirate?”.

Everyone knows The Joker works best as a character whose origin we implicitly understand and can relate to, and who operates in a world before Batman exists. That much is obvious. Also, Gotham City was always a stinking pit of emptiness and pain, even before the Wayne’s were murdered. Everyone knows that!

“failed firsties” “cancerAIDS” etc etc

The portrayal of Bruce Lee was the only aspect of the film that I didn’t care for. Otherwise, I thought it was a fantastic movie. Usually there are one or two scenes in a Tarantino film that put a bad taste in my mouth, like “why did he include that?”. This was that scene for me.

I was in High School when this movie came out and my friends and I saw it multiple times in theaters (these days I rarely see a movie more than once in theaters). At the time we found the movie both hilarious and poignant, but it seems it hasn’t aged especially well. 

Too many casual F-bombs

I saw Blair Witch Project in theaters when I was around 14 or 15 and it was the scariest thing I ever saw (playing on my imagination more than anything.) I was terrified for days after seeing it and had to sleep with the lights on in my room.