
People have been calling super-hero movies a fad for over 20 years now.  Do fads typically last that long?

There was plenty of squee-ing happening in my household at the Loki kiss. Rest assured, this moment played beautifully to certain members of the audience.

Fas10 Your Seatbelts.

Going for that classic Guy Gardner chic 

As I am sure others have pointed out, the next movie should be called FX

Best game ever! I hope I get to experience playing it with my kids one day.

“What if I don’t like a game that lots of people like?”

loved the first episode or so of this show, but fell off after the break.  

Hands off my jerky, turkey.

I really hope they commit to doing Mr. Mind and the Monster Society of Evil because that is seriously one of the most fun villain concepts in Shazam, and it could be a blast on screen.

I definitely side with Ray Fisher and Gal Gadot regarding this controversy, Joss Whedon sounds like an incredible douchebag from multiple sources. However, as a nerd I must point out that Steel and Catwoman are movies that exist, even though they suck ass, they are technically DC movies that feature black heroes.

I’ve been reading Kate Kane in comic books for the last 15 years. I was very excited about seeing her brought to life in a CW adaptation staring her character. I spent 20 episodes, and as many hours of my life, getting to know this version of her and investing in her relationships with the extended cast of characters.

We are loving it and find it simultaneously funny and creepy.  We love the classic sitcom pastiche, as we grew up watching many of the shows this is styled after.  We love the creepy mystery, which after only a few episodes is beginning to unfold faster than I originally thought it would.  It’s fun, it’s different,

No. You said, and I quote, “what’s wrong with “both sides”?” - Well, look at the replies because you are getting an answer to that question. “Both Sides”, in this case, is called a False Equivalency. Listen to what people are telling you, stop being defensive about it, and just listen. And if it helps to boil it down

1) Kate can die heroically and it can still be ambiguous, it’s not a binary choice. It’s not uncommon for a character to “die” heroically only to be brought back later. As it stands, the superhero that we followed all season long just died offscreen in a plane crash. That’s not just lazy writing, it’s insulting to the

I wanted to add that it also feels like a slap in the face to Kate Kane to have her killed off screen as a victim of a random plane crash, instead of dying heroically saving people like a Superhero. It’s just so incredibly lame, and this entire show just feels like a “bait-and-switch” now.

I wish they tapped David Lynch to direct an episode of this. The first two episodes were so Lynch, I loved it. I knew nothing about the show going in, but was pleasantly surprised by how well done it was.  Really looking forward to watching the rest of the series.

I watched every episode of Season 1 and I feel burnt that the lead character is changing, so I’m not going to bother watching anymore. Season 1 spent all it’s time developing Kate and her relationships with the cast, especially “Alice” her estranged and twisted sister. I am kind of pissed that all that will now have

“unquestionable best thing” — as someone who has lost a good friend to Covid19 and watched another get so sick they told me they wanted to die, sincerely from the bottom of my heart, get fucked.

The most fucked up thing about the first letter is the gathering of a dozen people on Thanksgiving 2020, masks down, laughing and chomping away on a cum-soaked casserole while literally thousands of people die each day from a pandemic that is ravaging the country. The least we can do right now is not throw parties or