
I mean, you are comparing Apples and Oranges here. Breaking Bad and The Office are not at all the same thing, and aren’t trying to be. The Office is a comedic hang out sitcom show, it’s practically like Cheers for the 2000s. I am so glad they didn’t kill off Dwight just to be a slave to some idea of “realism” the

Binge watching this series on streaming services way after the fact instead of waiting and speculating week to week has probably enhanced my (and my girlfriend’s) enjoyment of the show. It’s kind of this awesome, casual, hangout show where you get to laugh along with these amazingly comedic actors and the awkward

He BaBa Booeyed it 

At least they are calling him Dr. Robotnik instead of “Eggman”

If your movie is called Godzilla don’t take more than an hour to get to Godzilla

Michelle Pfeiffer’s Catwoman is looking a bit long in the tooth there.

I definitely really like this movie more than most people do. Given the choice between this one and the original, I usually end up rewatching this one instead. Not that it’s necessarily the better movie, I just really enjoy the team being together from the beginning and I think James Spader’s Ultron is one of the

So somehow I never heard of the Metro series until I read this article, but this game seems like something I would really like. Is it kind of a Fallout type game? I enjoyed open world games like Fallout 3, Skyrim, Red Dead 2, Breath of the Wild, etc. And creepy first person games like Resident Evil 7. Also, do I need

da fuq?  

Colbert is very Catholic.  He’s a Cathoholic 

I recently revisited Age of Apocalypse and boy is it a slog to get through, it was a real chore to read. Some of the plot threads were more interesting than others, but overall it was complete nonsense (as was most of the ‘90s X-Men comics I’ve come to realize). If you like it, awesome for you. Personally, I would

Charlie Cox is underrated as all hell, the guy is an amazing talent. Those fight scenes are incredibly difficult to perform on their own, but when you take into account the guy has to act like he is blind while doing them... it’s exceptional. That prison fight in season 3 is one of the greatest choreographed fight

over the past few months I’ve been doing a deep dive of reading Marvel comics from across all eras and boning up on continuity. The 90's were a bad time for Marvel, the majority of comics I’ve read from that time made me want to quit (I loved stories like Maximum Carnage and Age of Apocalypse when I was a little kid,

a lot of handwringing and time spent angsting about supposed new viewers who go to see the 5th, 14th, or 21st movie in the MCU cannon clueless about who characters are and what has come before. Who cares? Maybe focus more on the millions of us who ARE invested thoroughly in this stories, who don’t need to be handheld

i think Alan Moore, who created the character Rorschach, would know what is more appropriate. the scene he wrote for the comic book, not the scene Zach Snyder put on screen. if Moore thought the later was more appropriate for the character he created, then that would have been the scene he wrote, but it wasn’t.

I think he just found himself in the unfortunate position of falling in love with his best friend’s girl and was trying to deal with it the best way he could.”

I honestly had no idea this film was divisive at all, I thought most people enjoyed it.  It’s a funny Christmas romantic comedy with a good cast.  I mean, how can you not love “I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes!” it’s hilarious and gets stuck in my head every year.  

My birthday is July 22, so I clicked on a link to see what this movie was all about... and now I’m officially depressed.

This looked like the kinda movie I would have been interested in seeing when I was a kid, because the idea of toys coming to life is always fun, but would have been ultimately disappointed when it turned out to be a recovery drama about a well-meaning but damaged misfit that tries to tug on your heartstrings.

Finally beat the game! I got this game at launch and it’s taken me an unbelievable amount of hours to complete it, surely it was way, way over 50 hours. I couldn’t believe how long the “Epilogue” portion was. I LOVED this game, at times it felt “too long” but the amount of content and immersive detail in the game is