
Still in the process of unlocking characters. My girlfriend and I aren’t familiar with half the people who we unlock (oh look it’s another generic-looking anime character with a sword), but we are still having a blast, and the references we DO get are a lot of fun.

My significant other and I are obsessed with these guilty pleasures and love watching them around this time of year. We actually have Bingo cards made up that we use to keep track of all the clichés and turn our watching experience into a game. The color-by-numbers templates that the films all adhere too are so

I happened to watch Fantastic Four (2015) over the weekend, and can honestly say, without exaggeration, it is one of the worst Super-Hero films I have EVER seen. It was wrongheaded on every level, to not understanding the characters at all to being flat out boring and dour. To Sue not being a part of the origin, to

for the better?? wtf, it didn’t even make any sense. such a self-conscience bullshit ending. also changing Rorschach’s beautiful and unsettling soliloquy while he watches the kidnapper burn is so much more haunting then the cheesy blood-spatter hatchet to the head gag that Snyder opted for instead.

Faithful my butt. The movie changes the whole damn ending, screws with Rorschach’s origin, and adds all manor of unnecessary blood and guts effects.   

he’s under no obligation, but it would be nice if he just loosened up and embraced the Star Wars of it all and

Honest question. What’s the story on Bryan Singer? Was he fired from this movie because of the sexual abuse allegations, or a different reason?  Is he blacklisted? I am wondering because I have a friend who is a fan of his and is the type of guy who jumps through hoops trying to rationalize or defend artists he likes

Walt may be a murderous meth cooking a-hole, but man, so far his dopey brother-in-law DEA agent is actually way more insufferable to watch! lol 

commenting on the AV Club is a hipsterish thing to do 

I’m into it, and am looking forward to that episode.  thanks!  show is cool so far

I love Better Call Saul so much that I decided to start BB last week after the Saul finale ended, I couldn’t wait until next year lol. I am only a handful of episodes in so far. The show gets off to a slow start and the protagonist is super unlikable, but it’s definitely interesting and I am excited to see where it

Sometimes I don’t need innovation. I just want to be wrapped in the nostalgia blanket of playing a new Mega Man game where the mechanics of how to play hasn’t changed too drastically from when I was 6. The “Power / Time” gauge is almost too much of a change for my tastes, but I got used to it quickly enough. I like

The first time I ever saw MST3K was on a Thanksgiving back in the early 90s, so this is fitting for that reason

Not to mention the ACTUAL COMIC BOOK reboot series that has been running since 2011.

Teen Titans Go is hilarious and filled with more loving easter eggs and references to the comics and history of the characters than most viewers will ever catch. The creators of the series have an obvious love for the characters and material, no it’s not an action oriented show but it succeeds at what it does.  How

I’m usually pretty optimistic about reboots like this, fully aware that it’s not exactly meant to cater to me, a guy in his late 30's. But hot damn did this interview make these two seem completely clueless about the franchise.

Now we’re talkin!  Only way to do it

I’m going to need charts and spreadsheets if you have them.  I still don’t understand.  Please expand.  

Yeah, and for me it was the opposite with Better Call Saul. Season 1 was my first introduction to the character and his supporting cast, and I loved it from the start. I am looking forward to watching Breaking Bad and having a whole new show that continues the story after Better Call Saul is over.

Thank you for your normal and sane reply. I hear all the time from fans of the show that it gets better after the first season. I am looking forward to getting into it after Better Call Saul is over.