
Several of my friends and relatives who either haven’t seen Breaking Bad, or just don’t care for it, are LOVING Better Call Saul.  

I didn’t like the first couple episodes of Breaking Bad.  I am willing to give it a second look now that I love Better Call Saul.  People who don’t like the same things as you aren’t contrarian shitbags.  My tits are calm.  

I... liked Slott’s run and Superior Spider-Man was a fun story for the short time it lasted.  Superior Foes of Spider-Man by Nick Spencer was also a good comic

Maybe I am getting too old, but this game was too hard for me to play and I returned it.  I must have died 6 times at Kingpin during the tutorial and never made it farther than that.  The game teaches you one move, and before you can learn it they have tried to teach you three other moves.  It looks like an amazing

I am not being a “contrarian shitbag”, I watched the first episode or two and did not like it. It seems to be very common amongst fans to say that the show doesn’t really get good until the second season. I don’t have time to sit through a season of a bad tv show to get to the good stuff, that is what put me off. Now

I really liked this game but I think I was hoping for more from it. I really liked playing as a hole, sucking in objects, getting bigger and then sucking in bigger objects like a hole in a the ground Katamari. Unfortunately, the levels and play spaces are relatively short and small. They are broken up by overly long, w

I am thinking about watching it after Better Call Saul finishes up it’s run. then I will watch Breaking Bad as a proper sequel series to find out what happens to Jimmy and the rest of the characters

I LOVE Better Call Saul.  I never watched Breaking Bad beyond the first episode.  I have NO CLUE what the flashfowards mean, or any connection to that other series.  I don’t care.  The story of this show stands on it’s own and was instantly more compelling to me from the start than BB.

I am a big Lynch fan and I listened to the audiobook as well as read the text, I found that Lynch would “go off book” and expand on the thoughts written down. What he was saying wasn’t always what was on the page. So the audiobook and regular book are different.

As a kid growing up on TMNT in the ‘80's, I literally thought that it was the Turtles who popularized eating pizza. I remember when the 2nd Turtles movie came out, the opening scenes showed everyone in New York eating pizza and I figured it was a sly commentary on the popularity of the franchise. Later as I got older

I thought this show was at it’s best when the Punisher was actually punishing people. That didn’t really happen enough for my taste, more episodes like episode 1 would have been welcome. This show didn’t have to be 13 episodes because it seriously dragged in the middle, I found myself fast forwarding through a couple

I know I am not the first to mention it, but calling this thing Knightfall? Should they just call it Crisis on Infinite Earths, or The Death of Superman? I mean, come on son

Genie Jafar Aladdin Abu



pwning the noobs and fragging them too. the god code in Doom was iddqd and the code for all the weapons was idkfa.

This crossover is the crown jewel of the entire CW Arrow-verse. This was a total home run for me, I was absolutely delighted to see so many of my favorite characters on the screen at once. I am a huge DC Comics fan so this was like catnip for me, I was over the moon with all four parts of this crossover. And while I

Seems like there will be a lot for this movie to cover, and maybe it should have been two movies after all. Thanos gathering the Infinity Gems seems like it will take up the first two acts of the movie.

Your dismissive condescension is adorable.

Angela Lansbury is in her 90's. There is a very good chance she has no idea what she’s talking about. If you ever spend time with people in this age group, you probably have experience taking ill-informed comments with a grain of salt.