
whoever is making your Thanksgiving turkey is doing it wrong then. Turkey is flavorfull as all hell

when I was a little kid I used to agree with you about Turkey being totally sucky and Thanksgiving Dinner being terrible because of it. Then I grew up, my tastebuds evolved, and now turkey is my preferred lunchmeat, Thanksgiving dinner is absolutely delicious, and I never looked back 

I’m a casual Zappa fan.

What about exciting Moms? What do they watch? Do boring moms and boring dads watch the same boring shows or different, but similarly boring shows? Do exciting dads watch exciting shows, or do they just not watch TV at all because they are way too exciting for that? I’m confused as to the breakdown here.

How about when John Wick was the dumbass who got captured and nearly suffocated by Theon’s Russian father until Willem Dafoe saved him. And then Wick leaves the a-hole alive allowing him to just turn around and torture and kill Dafoe. SMH. John Wick sucks

I dunno, how about don’t corner women and show them your dick. pretty easy imho

As much as I love Goldblum, it would have been hilarious to see Vince McMahon play the Grandmaster in this context.

After everything I’ve heard about it I expected that SNL monologue to be offensive and shitty. it wasn’t really either. it was just a mediocre opening monologue made better due to the guy delivering it.

It did work. It was good episode. I, along with most people, binge watched this whole season. So seeing what Eleven was up too while the rest of the story was playing out back at Hawkins was fine.

I use it, but I agree that Twitter and the rise of social media has created an echo chamber of misinformation, mob mentality, and an end to any sort of nuanced debate or discussion about serious issues.

I love the Firefly theme “you can’t take the sky from me” I loved the feeling and sentiment that song expressed.

Very sad to hear this movie isn’t that great. I had high expectations for it.

I do this too

That thing is nightmare fuel.

Count me among those who actually really like Halloween H20. I thought the finale was perfect and the best way for them to have ended the series. Unfortunately Halloween Resurrection was made...

The first issue made it seem to me that the entire premise is actually a deep plot conceived by The Joker to turn public opinion against Batman and toward him.

Tempted to watch the Trailer, but given the Director thinks major plot points will be spoiled in the trailer, I will try my best to avoid it.

Glad to see more people talking about this. Warrior was an absolutely reprehensible human being.

Message from the future. That Wonder Woman movie got made, and it was FUCKING AWESOME!!!! You ended up seeing it like three times in the theaters and now own it on Blu-Ray, congrats dude!

That majority of people I talk to regarding the Alien movies, in real life and on the Internet, insist that Alien 3 is a good movie. That’s just been my experience.