
The thought of selling off my collections like this has me breaking out into a sweat

I really liked this episode. The Sarah Palmer scene was very cool. After Twin Peaks is finished I would love David Lynch to direct a showtime series adaptation of Grant Morrison's The Invisibles

I agree that maybe this episode was an A- instead of an A+ only due to the fact that Bronn was able to score a hit with that big arrow instead of missing and then getting burnt alive by the righteous fire of justice. I was hoping for Dany to get a clean squash here instead of almost getting killed right at the end.

This show is perfect. A+

I really want to rent a copy of Espresso Compresso!

Please retire:
"Life comes at you fast"
"Hold my beer (avocado)"
"Hot Take"

I liked the Sopranos. I didn't empathize with Tony. I wasn't rooting for anyone in particular except for characters to try and escape the terrible life they found themselves in either through birth, marriage, or choice.
Also, my favorite character in fiction is probably The Joker, but I don't empathize with him.

This episode I started to do that too.

This episode was a step back for me. I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as the previous episodes in the season. The Hell stuff isn't as interesting as I thought it would be or hoped it would be. Jesse is becoming more of an unlikeable character, which sucks because I would rather he be a character that I liked. I

He is, was, and will always be a big, fat, idiot.

Absolutely. It is going to be really satisfying watching her kill him.

The Internet cultivates the "I did it for the lulz" culture. The nihilists who think nothing matters. People bend over backwards trying to convince themselves that attractive bro Jaime is actually not that bad of a dude, and that everyone else is just as rotten as he and his evil sister are. They can't accept that

The Internet loves the contrarian and the devil's advocate. Everyone wants the next Hot Take. So rooting for the bad guys becomes common.

Proximity Mines at the Bunker. I had all the respawn points memorized and would put Proxy Mines next to each of them. Boom Boom Boom, no one wanted to play with me on that setting anymore. 9th Grade was fun.

Preacher is tonight at 9 pm on AMC. It's been pretty good this season. I will watch it.

Anyone not on the side of Dany and Jon are missing the point and being nihilistic for the sake of it. They are the good guys in the story. They ultimately want a better world for the people. Circe and Jaime are the bad guys. They want a better world for themselves. The White Walkers are also the bad guys. They

Bronn is chaff. Jaime is a whipped dog, loyal to his evil sister/lover, who doesn't think twice about throwing little boys from windows. I will take cathartic pleasure watching them die.

Best. episode. ever.
It was so satisfying to watch them burn. Too bad Bronn and Jaime didn't burn with them, but their time is coming…

Renner has a ton of range is super interesting to watch /s

He will tell you even if no one asked!