
I love how obvious it was that Fandango hasn't seen one episode of Twin Peaks and had no idea what he was parodying

Remember when John Cena gave the Rock tons of shit for doing movies instead of wrestling? Cena sucks. (let's go cena) Cena sucks

It was cool finally seeing Starr. The guy at the shooting range portion of the test should have really seen that coming, as I think we all did. But I am enjoying this season so far.

Good, "It" should be as long as it needs to be. It's a long and epic book. Epic in the sense that its a story that literally spans decades of time (if not way longer). It could easily fill out a full 13 episode season of hour long episodes. I am very excited that they are at least getting two movies out of this.

They are going to fuck. Even if it's for purely strategic reasons. The show will end with her ruling Westeros. She will want heirs. She will fuck Jon Snow, the only other character of Targaryen blood. I mean, it writes itself. It's poetic how it all fits together. It's a Song of Ice and Fire. Any other

It's amazing to me that even after this episode where a character explicitly refers to Jon and Dany as "Ice and Fire" and their parallel journeys are described in detail, that there are people still refusing the except that these characters were destined to be together from Book 1. Jon Snow is clearly a Targaryen,

How are characters traveling hundreds of miles in the span of a scene change? Fast travel teleportation spells? Did this episode span months of time and I just didn't realize it? This sort of thing happens more and more often on this show.
The battle of Casterly Rock could have been longer, it felt really condensed.

I hav a soft spot for View to a Kill too. Christopher Walken as a Bond villain. Grace Jones as a Bond girl. A climax on top of the Golden Gate Bridge. Horse racing. Duran Duran!

It's pretty much a Bond movie in name only. Definitely at the top of my list of worst 007 films.

You leave Live and Let Die and Diamonds are Forever out of this!

I love Casino Royale. That said if I had to choose between the two I would probably pick Moonraker.

A Song of Yeast and Flour?

He was one of the few bright spots of Season 3

I guess I am just the master of understanding cold opens, because this and the Arya GoT cold open were pretty clear right away imo.
I am patting myself on the back so hard right now you guys.

This is the funniest show on TV, and one of the best.

I remember Wild Palms coming out when I was very young and all the adults in my life were fascinated with it, recording every episode on VHS. I got my hands on a copy of an episode and was so utterly confused but completely drawn in.
As an adult I have never gone back and tried to rewatch it. I wonder how it holds up.

Theon sucks. Euron sucks. Killing the Sand Snakes sucked. The gross puss/soup scene transition sucked. Arya and Hot Pie was good. The rest left me cold. I liked last week a lot better. To each their own.

I did not like this episode

"Rey is the story's protagonist. The story's premise is that Luke Skywalker is missing, and she is the character who is tasked with resolving the story's initial complication of returning BB-8 (who has the map to Luke's whereabouts) to the Resistance and who ultimately resolves the story by finding Luke.
Finn is a

I want this.