
Nice of them to include the main character of the new trilogy in their game set. What a boon.

I've never been able to really get into this Mario game, making it an outlier for me in the series. It came out when I was in college. My girlfriend is younger than me, and therefor has more nostalgia for it than I do. Recently, we dusted off a copy and tried playing it together. We gave it an earnest effort, but

So far this season is a lot better than the last and I like the gang in New Orleans right now. The Hell stuff is fairly interesting too. There are always parts where I kinda roll my eyes a bit, but overall I am enjoying the show and how crazy it gets.

My friend told me that there is a theory going around that Ned Stark is still alive and that it was an imposter who was decapitated. It's such a stupid theory that I actually feel bad that I just typed it out here. too late, hitting post..

I love the movie but I usually shut it off right before the final moments whenever I watch it now. When I first saw the movie in theaters, I thought it was a great ending, but my opinion on it has completely changed in the last ten years.

I have been anxiously waiting for the Zelda DLC, the item hunts sound great, but I wish you would be able to upgrade them.

I thought this was probably the best episode in the series, so far.

This show demonstrates that it's not the formula that makes TWD compelling, it's the characters and story elements that Robert Kirkman created. The show tends to suffer when it doesn't follow the comic book, and here is an entire spin-off based on that.

I don't watch this show but I accidently caught the beginning of Talking Fear or whatever that comes on after it. It was a panel of Sinbad, some woman who I think was a producer, and then the older bald guy. When Chris Hardwick asked him what his favorite thing about the role and about being on Fear the Walking Dead

I'm a Xennial but growing up they called it Gen-Y

All those movies film the lead character through a male gaze, aka, a boner lens.
One of the reasons Wonder Woman was so refreshing is because it presented a woman who kicks all the ass and takes all the names without having to do that.

I thought Josh Dumall was beyond terrible on commentary earlier in the show, and that it couldn't get worse, but oh no it definitely got worse.
No clue who Lavar Ball is but that was embarrassingly bad. It's like WWE is screaming at me, "please for the love of god go do something else!" Then the N-word was dropped

So if you thought Scott Pilgram was terrible I guess this won't be for you.

This guy just came here to discuss how much he disliked Rogue One. He knows that most people thought it was good, or at least decent, but wants to get his point across that he thought it was garbage.

Harrison Ford

Varga went full Batman villain this episode. Escaping through the ceiling of an elevator and leaving only his signature trench coat. I spoke to somebody who would know and they told me "do you have any idea how difficult it is to actually do that?"

"Why should I worry, why should I caaaaaare, it's just bebopulation, and I got street savior faire!"

Looks like this season might finish strong. This was a good episode

The percentage of likely Trump supporters in the audience of a Shakespeare in the Park performance has got to be as low as 1%.

I have been really dissatisfied with Fargo S3, but even I wouldn't go that far, even if it's not as good as previous seasons it still resembles the same basic show. True Detective S2 should have had a completely different title.