
This was the worst episode of Fargo I have seen in 3 seasons. The writing was terrible this week. The drinking piss scene was preposterous. Put a gun to a guys head and make him drink the cup you just urinated in… in a room with clear glass walls. Ok.
The ransom plot with the sex tape was as hamhanded as can be.

True. It reminds me of the time back in college when I bought my buddy a concert ticket and then he showed up, made some phone calls, and then left after the first song. I was like, "yo, can you pay me back for that ticket?" and he was all like "hell no! you are entitled to absolutely nothing from me!" Such a dick

"I was keeping my phone low and I wasn't bothering anybody" — I guarantee you it WAS bothering people, including the guy who bought your ticket sitting right next to you. Instead of texting during a movie, especially after a sassy cartoon cup of soda asked you not to, why not exit the auditorium? She allegedly,

I love this show, and it's really fun watching it not having seen Breaking Bad.

"CONFETTI CANNONS!?! I mean, Sony's gone all out! #EmojiMovie"

Another very good episode. The Peter and the Wolf stuff really worked for me.

She only said she hadn't seen The Avengers. So maybe she really has seen tons of these movies but for some reason missed that one and doesn't want spoilers.

Yes it's a job. Meaning she should take an invested interest. I am not saying go out and watch every Super Hero movie there is. I am saying go watch the most successful super hero movie of all time, the model of which your current employer is attempting to emulate.

I think she should try and take a couple hours of her time to watch the superhero movie that made over 1.5 Billion dollars worldwide and very likely inspired Warner Bros to finally try and make their own comic book cinematic universe, which she is now staring in, come to life.

I like how in-character his terrible haircut is. It looks like he either cuts it himself or goes to Supercuts exclusively.

HHM is great and all, but a lot of their clothing is really cheaply made.

Howard only loves one person, himself.

aw man, I got an Instant Pot notification for this?

Damon is an Academy Award winning Screen Writer, so no surprise he values a good screenplay. and is whorish about it.

I also noticed "Let's get down to brass tacks" as being another Perry Mason reference in this episode. Terrific episode

15 Marvel movies in and still a good 90% of my audience didn't stay through the credits to see the final scenes.

Could you homage Twin Peaks any more by having that as the reveal? I guess you really could… but damn, that seems a little on the nose.
A couple things that stuck out to me after reading an interview about this with the Showrunner. First, he describes this show as "a deconstruction of the Archie myth…" — Archie

I can see this being a divisive episode, but it's my favorite of the season so far. I like how different it is to the previous episodes, which I felt were becoming too formulaic to past seasons. I enjoyed the animated sequences, and they reminded me of some old Radiohead music video or something. Also, Ray Wise is

I agree. Comparing her to Miles Dyson is saying that she invents the enemy that is trying to kill them.

Every season the most obvious suspect who you know MUST be a red herring turns out to be the badguy you knew he was all along.