
I got the Mean Gene references, but ALL backstage / on the field interviewers everywhere throw back to the announcer instead of just staring awkwardly into space. WWE, much more often than not, won't even tell you the name of the backstage interviewer, let alone have them throw back to announcers. It's just their

I thought this was over all pretty solid. The opening segment was really well done, and Alexa Bliss continues to be one of the best heels in wrestling right now. She is doing really great work on the mic, and her in-ring is very much improving.
Dean Ambrose doing the interviewer schtick backstage actually worked

I love that music. When I was a kid I would watch the final 15 - 20 min of that movie over and over again.

That is one of my favorite scenes of the movie because of how ominous it is. Hook is still this unseen boogeyman at that part in the movie. Later we see he is just Dustin Hoffman camping it up, but until then we get to imagine a darker story is happening.

Hit'em with the Hein!

I had no idea this was a movie.

I am worried that this is feeling a bit repetitive now, and that the Mary Winstead murder coverup plot is a bit too similar to the Kirstin Dunst cover up plot even though their personalities are a bit different.
I was hoping the sci-fi books from episode 1 was a clue that there would be an undercurrent of

I figured it was Barry earlier in the season but that just started to feel too obvious. However, this being The Flash, obvious is usually the route they take

So we are all pretty sure that it's going to end up being Ronnie Raymond, right?

Why do people always pick Street Fighter 2 Turbo over Super Street Fighter 2? The later is the same game with more characters and backgrounds. They way I see it, it's the best version of the game on SNES. What am I missing?

I like this and would play it

Finally binge watched all of Young Justice a few weeks ago and was disappointed there was never a season 3. So this comes as really good news.

The ship sailed on never using the Watchmen characters again when DC did the Watchmen prequels a few years back. As it is, I am really enjoying the use of the characters in the Rebirth narrative and I think they serve a satisfying purpose from both an in-story and meta standpoint. I am a really big fan of DC's

Mine is hacked with around 60+ games. Wish I had bought more Mini's at launch, didn't expect it to get cancelled.

Batman Forever, Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Men in Black 2, Mortal Kombat 2, Blair Witch Book of Shadows, Crocodile Hunter movie, Judy Moody, and I'm sure some others that I've blocked from memory

Correction, It is "Corporate Kane" not "Demon Kane" that is running for mayor.


This is just wrong. I guess I'm a snob, but Pizza Hut is not good no matter how nostalgic you are.

No problem. Also, always gotta hyphenate Spider-Man or else suffer more pedantic corrections

Gwen Stacy?