
I once won a large Green Lantern doll from one of these games at Dave and Busters. There were witnesses, there was applause, and I felt like a goddamn hero.

sah du! keep it lit fam! harambee the gorilla!

This is actually a great book and a really nice companion to Twin Peaks and Fire Walk With Me.

I really hope that was Nakamura's last loss for a long while.

I love both Cass and Steph as Batgirl, and I am a big fan of Barbara as Oracle, so I would love it if they did that.

I saw Batgirl drinking a pina colada at Trader Vics, her hair was perfect.

This should be great, and I would think Whedon is savvy enough to go with the Batgirl of Burnside look

holy crap that's awesome. my expectations are pretty high, this looks great

"It" is my favorite book and this looks exactly like the adaptation I've always wanted. However, I wish it was in two parts like Kill Bill though, because there is a lot of backstory I imagine they are unfortunately going to have to cut.


It's really not that bad. It kinda peaks halfway through the season though. I'd say episode 6 is the strongest. Episode 4 has a really cool fight towards the end though.

James Franco doesn't smoke weed.

A little boy dies in the first scene, kind of a downer of a way to start the movie.
But anyway, my little brother was at the movies with us that night (he had to have been like 7 years old at the time) and after that opening scene he whispered to my mom that he didn't think this movie was appropriate for him and she

I've talked to friends in the industry about this topic (specifically regarding the Matt Damon Great Wall of China movie). I was told that the reality is American films like that one are hugely successful in Asian markets, particularly if the lead is a well-known (I guess white?) Hollywood star like Damon or

For me this was the best episode of a lackluster season (Gorilla Grodd episodes being an exception). I really enjoyed this. It started out a little slow, but by the third act I was in love with it. The "Super Friends" duet was fantastic, I couldn't stop smiling, and the music by and large was legitimately really

Make America Great AGAIN. the key word being AGAIN. meaning taking something that became mid-grade and making it yuge and big league

That's a picture of Trump forgetting he's not Professor X

He'll always be Le Chiffre to me

Saw the first one in the theaters when I was way too young, sheltered, and inexperienced to understand anything that was happening.

So far I have completed two of the four Gaurdians and while I absolutely love this game, these are the parts that I enjoy the least and make me miss the traditional style dungeons.