
After two weeks of decent Gorilla action we are back to season 3's usual awfulness.

"Violent paramilitary types are relentlessly pursuing us everywhere we go, let's stop off for dinner with this nice family, what could go wrong?"

Post-Credit teasers at the end of Super Hero movies is a perfect reflection of the cliffhanger nature inherent to the genre.

I was shaking my head in disbelief at this part. It almost ruined the movie for me, especially when the worst really does happen to them. Why make the heroes look so damn stupid? Luckily, despite this, the movie was so good anyway I can forgive it.

I saw the trailer for this on TV the other day and before I realized what it was, I was like "whoa this new Zelda Breath of the Wild game is going to be crazy!"

I'm going to try and buy one tomorrow, but if it's sold out I think I am just going to buy Zelda on Wii U instead and then wait.

If he is a Star Wars fan, he most likely has a distaste for authoritarian, fascist regimes. A good thing in my book!

This guy seems like the ideal candidate if the only dirt on him is that he likes Star Wars.

This reminds me of Peter and Valentine's subplot in the Ender's Game book.

Every time I see an ad for this I ask myself "Why is Vince McMahon one of the featured characters?!" What is his appeal to kids? Why is he in this movie over, let's say, The New Day??? So many questions…

Somehow saw this movie when it first came out and instantly became one of those folks to become obsessed with it and show it to everyone I knew.

Next week Randy Orton gets arrested on charges of arson, AJ Styles keeps his main event match, Shane McMahon doesn't have an opponent for Mania, and we all go home happy.

The segment felt staged and fell flat for me. I didn't like how the first guy in the door was the only one really getting any attention, and I felt awkward for the couple at the end who was also engaged but got short shrift from Kimmel.

Her character was the biggest part of me not enjoying this movie. She was excruciatingly, painfully naive when it came to show business. As some one who has had the exact same audition experiences as she did, I had NO sympathy. I felt the movie kept wanting me to side with her, and I couldn't.

With all the infinite editions of Monopoly out there, hopefully there will always be room for a "Classic" edition. Or at least the version I happened to grow up with thirty years ago.

I love X-Men but I didn't really "get" the pilot and don't feel invested enough for episode 2. However, the Twin Peaks vibe I got with (who I assume is) Mojo, was pretty cool.

I have had WiiU since launch and still can't figure out how the Miiverse works and how to operate it.

I love this game! Extremely scary for me. However, if I am being honest, I really like the first half of the game (Jack / Marguerite) a lot more than the back half (Lucas / the Boat). Still awesome though, and I am really looking forward to trying out the DLC missions soon.

I was a huge fan of this book series and defender of Martin. but even I have lost faith by now. releasing another Westeros short story, when fans have been waiting years for the promised next installment of the series, is basically trolling at this point. get the final two books done and then move on, because…

I've been waiting for this game since 2009. This review greatly tempers my expectations though, probably for the best