
shit, total canceraids on me for using "jump the shark" kinda the wrong way. hopefully my point gets across anyway. regardless "hittem with the hein"

the obsessive cutting away to show the reaction shots from the crowd totally jumped the shark last night.

that's "The Goddamn Batman!!" to you

yet somehow, back in the late 90s when I still lived with my parents, everyone in my family was able to easily one of these and keep it clean with very little problem. also the burgers ended up tasting reasonably good when they were done.

I want to see a full length Zelda movie like this please.

During the Men's nearly hour long 5 on 5 match there was lots of interference from people either not in the match (ellsworth) or no longer in the match (ambrose), there were wrestlers being put through tables on more than one occasion, and there were wrestlers who were legal men in the match standing around outside

Everyone keeps complaining about the short controller cord, but aren't you supposed to play it with the actual "console" part within hands reach so that you can use the Reset button for save states and to switch games?
So the idea is there's a long cord attached to the back of the console, bringing it conveniently

Still waiting for Vernita Green's daughter to seek out her quest of vengeance against the Bride. I remember, 13 years ago, being naively excited that would be a real thing. I at least hoped that some of the characters and concepts would live on in some kind of Comic Book form (prequel adventures of the Deadly Vipers)

A lot of defensiveness regarding these comments from Romero.
Walking Dead wouldn't really exist without Romero's early films, especially Night of the Living Dead. Robert Kirkman has even said as much in interviews regarding the Comic Book. I don't think the Black and White artwork is a budgetary choice…
Night of the

I am a big Wonder Woman fan, and I really wanted to like WW True Amazon. When I saw it in the store I got excited and bought it right away, the artwork alone was worth the purchase and I couldn't wait to sit down and read it. When I got home I started reading, the book started out well enough but as the story

The Wicker Man (1973) is an unintentional comedy

Nightwing would be better than Tom "Pieface" Kalmaku

no wonder it was so empty at lunch today

I actually liked it more than Limbo. Inside was a really cool game.

I played the game for about an hour and couldn't make it past the opening sequence and couldn't figure out what to do. so I bailed and returned it.

It's the first ever Women's Hell in a Cell, and it should be the first ever Women's Main Event to a "PPV". Yet the entire segment centered around a man doing the vast majority of the hype while explaining to the two women (that HE booked in the match) why they should be more cautious and wary of the potential danger.

I think the difference is that throughout the campaign he said all manner of racist things and talked about things he was GOING to do. On the tape in question though, he is bragging about crimes against women that he allegedly already committed.

sounds like a kid reading the copy, so when he says he was an engineer working for Viacom in 1992 I had to bail.
The whole Berenstain Bears Multiverse Theory on the other hand. now that's where it's at

There is something about Shadow of the Colossus that terrifies me to the point where it becomes difficult to play. I think its the eerie isolation and emptiness combined with these mysterious massive beasts hiding around. I love the game, I just find it oddly scary.

Guess who he's voting for