
It's Sunday Night Special (PPV) overload at this point. Literally a new one every other week now. Smackdown and Raw have an air of informercial about them, just spinning uncreative wheels to get you to order the Network. At least the World Title is in good hands, AJ feels like a credible champion. I love Kevin

it doesn't

I'll be flipping between the debate and Monday Night Raw.

I fear toaster ovens because they usually look dingy and I always imagine they hide bugs.

yeah Stoffers French Bread pizza. I probably eat that a lot

I believe I watched this show mainly because it came on sometime between afternoon cartoons and the Simpsons. I remember really liking the Halloween Episodes. My dad hated this show because he felt it made Fathers out to be dunderheaded idiots.

NXT is my favorite wrestling show and it's the main reason I subscribe to the WWE Network.

I was about 15 seconds away from being a contestant on that VH1 show but got cut at the last minute. In hindsight, it was definitely for the best.

Ah ha! Thanks for the clarification there :) Sometimes with comedies the longer cut hurts the film. So it's nice to know the version we saw in theaters will still be available.

15 min longer? They should release the Theatrical Cut too, just in case the extra footage doesn't do the movie any favors

I love Addams Family Values and particularly the scenes with him and Cristina Ricci are my favorite

I am having a lot of fun with NMS. I really like the game and personally find it to be different than anything else out there (although i'm not really immersed in video game culture in the sense that i never even heard about NMS until after it came out).
I can totally see why people dislike it, but its a pretty

I watch them on DVD, so I'm in the clear

Blackest Night also saw the resurrection of a number of dead characters, but the New 52 happened not long after, making any thing relevant about Brightest Day totally moot.

i love Kyle, and growing up I always felt like he was "my GL", but I don't have the same fondness for Emerald Twilight that you do and I really like what Johns did in Green Lantern Rebirth. I think it revitalized the entire GL concept and made it a stronger franchise. But I can totally see being sick of always been

I still like Johns. His pre-IC JSA run, post-IC JSA run, Stargirl, his long Green Lantern run, his post-IC Superman run (including Secret Origin), his big Wally West Flash run, his Teen Titans run are all great imo. I enjoy aspects of Infinite Crisis. I enjoy aspects of his New52 Justice League. I love '52' which

If it's based on Geoff John's New52 Shazam then this won't be too far off. Billy is portrayed as an obnoxious little brat in that book.

2011's Green Lantern isn't really a good movie, but it's like freakin Casablanca compared to the beyond terrible Jonah Hex adaptation.

I still say that "Shazam!" should be a Pixar movie

Roman is portrayed liked such a d-bag, it's impossible to like him even against Rusev. His verbal attacks on Lana come off as so unnessarilly slimy and heelish.