
The Wolf Among Us game was so good that it inspired my friend, who is not a big reader, to seek out and read the entire Fables comic book series

Not really. There was a mysterious new Question in the New52 who was affiliated with Phantom Stranger and new character "Pandora" (who has since been killed off). This Question was trying to find out his true identity but the plot line has been basically dropped. More recently, Vic Sage has appeared in the Suicide

One of the biggest losses since the start of the New 52 was Renee Montoya and her role as Question. Seriously DC, restore that continuity with Rebirth!!

The totally off-model look of the Penguin makes no sense to me. What is going on there?
Also, why does Harvey Dent want to placate to known gangsters? He's supposed to want to fight the mob and corruption.
Otherwise, the first chapter was ok. No where near as great as Wolf Among Us, but hopefully it improves.

I am in the minority of fans who prefer the style of Doom 3's atmospheric horror and claustrophobic haunted house corridors, over the new game's "run and gun and shoot everything!!" gameplay. Maybe the new game is closer to the original, but there is something about Doom 3 I really love and find immersive.

I love a good Queen Alien but this movie was a stinker.

HUGE Scud fan! I actually met Rob at a Comic Con when I was around 10 or 11, he was trying to promote Scud issue 1 and actually signed my copy after describing the premise to me. A great memory.
Anyway, I somehow got ahold of this game a number of years ago and bought a Sega Saturn off ebay just to play it.

I like that FrankenClegane is basically Jason Voorhees now.

love this show and it's been a great season. but this was the weakest episode of the season so far. sander Clegane and the doomed peaceniks felt really contrived. hopefully it was part of a bigger plan for her, because Arya getting stabbed so easily felt like it undermined the character, so I thought she must have

random but the Joker killing Alexander Luthor Jr. of preCOIE Earth-3 at the end of Infinite Crisis fits here. Alex was the big bad cosmic threat but by the end was done in by The Joker's acid flower, and a gunshot. (no explanation given to Alex's corpse's different appearance in '52' though)

Earth-3 should be Crime Syndicate. Maybe just earth-A or something

how about the part where Barry explained the multiverse by going to a whiteboard and just drawing five circles on it with nothing else.

His personal spin was the part where he butchered (pun intended) Rorschach's poignant origin scene to include a cheap gore effect straight out of Evil Dead

Should have shown the kids Batman the Animated Series instead

general “mood and theme” of your average Star Trek story — in 2016 this means non-stop frenetic action, loud music, karate kicks, and leaps through the air.

Wait… this show has aired the past two weeks? I thought it was on hiatus along with Flash and Arrow!… oh well….

sigh, it's true, you got me. I am the only douche here.

a nice enough douche

Max Landis is the worst

I didn't watch Breaking Bad, so it's interesting being a fan of this show and not knowing anything about how characters "end up". It's fun literally knowing nothing more about the Parking Attendant character other than what the show presents.