
Ryback is just the worst. I feel embarrassed for him whenever he is on TV.

I started reading Walking Dead when it first came out and loved the series all the way to issue 100. I was appalled by that issue and didn't like where the story headed after that, I dropped the book after around issue 108 or so. I occasionally flip through the new issues when i see them on the shelf but it doesn't

Justice League International is very 1980's but also one of the most light-hearted, enjoyable, and hilarious super hero books you will ever read.

The Ice Palace was the only time in my childhood that my Dad said "ok, we have to call the 900 number helpline" because we had tried everything in the game.
How were we supposed to know that you could pull the tongues on the statues?! I'll never forget that moment.

Not a secret… everyone does this when they play Monopoly

the What's in the Box? tagline can't help but draw unfavorable comparisons to Se7en.

Keep an eye on those nose bleeds, Max.

"Johnny the Homicidal Maniac" helped get me back into comics when I went to college.

Ok I just beat the Harley Quinn expansion pack and it took me a grand total of maybe 20min. As soon as I was just getting familiar and comfortable with all her moves and how to play as her, it was over. She was really fun to play as though, will there be more missions with her coming out? So far the Season Pass

Baker was GREAT as the Joker. Mark Hamill will always be our Joker-God but honestly the script and portrayal of Joker in Origins was better than City (and I hate all that weird junk they put on Jokers face in City and in parts of Knight)

I am at 95% complete, and I will be ok if I never collect all those Riddler trophies.
I really enjoyed the game, but agree that there was far too many car missions. It is important to upgrade the batmobile weapons and armor to max early to make shooting the drones much easier and less frustrating. plus that

Absolutely! Rhyno is a lot of fun and I became a fan of his back in the ECW days too. I say come for Rhyno, but you will likely end up staying for everything else too. There is some great stuff on NXT and you will find yourself getting hooked on Wrestling again! :)

I honestly might watch it live. I am very excited for Owens vs. Balor. If I don't see it live, I'll watch it first thing that morning.

It was funny because it felt like such a shoot on Byron. Just about everything Owens does is spot-on perfect.

I ordered Destination America from my cable provider just for ROH. Between that and NXT, Wednesday is wrestling heaven. When is The Boss coming back on NXT though? I've been missing her since Takeover!
(I haven't seen Lucha Underground yet, but I have been meaning to give that a chance, not sure if I get the

Lady Stoneheart or GTFO

I probably haven't been inside a Chuck E Cheese in at least twenty years. I'm sure its a fun place.

So basically it's a video game where you have to endure screaming kids and bad pizza, and then for the next five nights a terrible headcold or stomach virus.

Access denied, access denied, access denied….

"…he is (correctly) pointing out that YA books get big audiences among adults because they attract non-readers, people who generally wouldn't read a book but who because of the hype decide to give it a try."
I think people who read books marketed as Young Adult are "readers" not "non readers", and to describe them as