
Calling people "non-readers" because they like to read books marketed to Young Adults is about as prentious and snobby as you can get.

The writing was on the wall when the new52 launched. The rushed, baby out with the bath water, new number 1 issues across the board, approach was always going to be a short term solution.

Yeah I have way too many of these. I have problems

So… Did they fuck or what? Do we need a spoiler space for this?

A Scooner IS a Sailboat, stupidhead!

So basically Hanna should have treated the topic of her own abortion with shame, that would have made you feel more comfortable.

Similar problems here. Comcast is an abomination. However, I used to live in NYC and TimeWarner Cable is comparably bad. So it seems like a theme with these companies. The shittiest, most expensive service you can imagine with the attitude of "yeah we know we suck, lol, but what the fuck are you gonna do about it

Choice or no choice it sucked and I never played the game again

i clicked the link really fast thinking this was a news wire about Damien Wayne.

The mission in GTA5 where you have to graphically torture a guy while he pleads for his life and begs to see his family again. After that I turned the game off and never looked back. Horrible.

Is this a nostalgia property for the college kids who watched this show as babies in the early 00's?

Barry you "DESERVE to take a peek for all the good that you do." — yeah, that was a bit of a dicey line…

Lots of people had a hand in making this a reality and not one of them said "hey maybe we should check and see what this character looks like in the comic book because this is fucking awful"

Objection for leading the witness

I would do anything I could to move my family to a community that doesn't get frightened of fantasy book McGuffins.

Look, he's sitting there on Media Day talking about how he enjoys manipulating puppets and telling them what to speak, and the fact that he says "Monkey" gives it a racial charge. If you can't see the irony in that I don't know what to tell you.

Who said the following quote, "I like a little puppet that you can kinda put your fingers in, a little Monkey that will talk and move his head…" Bill Belichick or Leonardo DiCaprio from Django Unchained?

These movies are very underrated and a lot of fun. I ran the series a couple years ago and had a blast. The first one has some legitimate goodness and then they just get wackier in the sequels, but in the best possible ways. I highly recommend checking these out if you think it's something you would have fun with.

You are better than the argument that no one working in football can be racist because black people work there too. (If it helps, I doubt Bill Belichick is actually racist)
Anyway, the reality is I don't care one lick about Bill Belichick or the football game, I was just having fun at the irony of an Official making

Watch the Video in this article of the Football coach sitting there on Media Day describing that his favorite Stuffed Animal is Puppet who looks like a little monkey that you can make talk, and then think about the terrible and racist irony of those comments.