
The place you describe is called A Living Room. You can find it at the corner of Kitchen and Bathroom Down the Hall

I don't watch SportsBall but Marshawn Lynch is by far my favorite player specifically because he is annoying guys like Brian Murphy.

I was playing this and noticed a lack of terrible voice acting, so I am glad someone went back and corrected it. Now if they could only create an option that fixes the camera behind you…

I scrolled down the article because I knew some Jabroni would pick Lying Cat and I just wanted to see who it was.


Would be cool if Cisco gave them Netflix and stuff to watch, or installed a Wii U down there so they could play some Super Smash.

I love the show, but will it ever address the fact that the heroes continually jail people without a trial?

I thought Birdman was really good.

Would have been a good throw-away project for Jim Carey 10 years ago

When I play a game with someone can I break the rules, cheat, and then justify it by saying "My breaking the Rule is the exception that proves it was there"?

The no parking example really helps the expression make sense to me. Thank you.
The Rule "No Parking Sundays" implies that parking is okay any other day of the week. So the Rule itself must already contain said "exception". The way most people use the expression, this is rarely ever the case.

Can Rules have exceptions? Rules are explicate

Rule -
noun: rule; plural noun: rules; noun: Rules
one of a set of explicit or understood regulations or principles governing conduct within a particular activity or sphere.

Worlds will Live. Worlds will Die. and nothing will ever be the same again!

Edit: "Stan Lee Co-created the Marvel Universe in the early ’60s…"

I'm really into squid as giant menacing sea-monsters, but not so much as processed snacks. I'm really picky like that though, I love sushi but avoid any that contain eel or octopus because I don't like those ingredients.

awesome reach there. did they post some flyers up around town too?

How about banner ads on websites like the AV Club? I know all about Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore right now. Maybe some awareness for a show I'm actually really interested in?

Seriously. —

Wait, there's new Venture Bros.? I love this show but had NO CLUE about this. Where was this advertised?