
Hell, the movie reminded ME of that too and I commented the same thing here weeks ago. How come there was no media / Twitter storm when I made the comment? The opinions of JokersNuts are big news!

No way, Strawberry is basically the baseline and everything else is a variation on that. (unfrosted plain is the real abomination, a cruel joke actually)

Maybe you're right, we don't get a lot of Squid or Fish flavored potato chips over here and maybe that seems odd to other cultures

American's eat such weird snacks like, like… cheese flavored crackers!

dang, this would have been really popular five or six years ago.

super-intelligent gorilla? hidden gorilla city?
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes total Worldwide: $708,835,589

Showtime had a great idea for the Dexter Series Finale too… oh wait

Is it true that Michael Keaton will be in True Detective season 2?


I reached about the halfway point of this interview until I had to skip down to the end because it was just completely unintelligible. Kind of like "The Room" in that respect actually

I am hoping the CW-verse sticks to being a world where Superman, Batman, WW don't exist.

New York state?

I am gay for Musical Theatre

Good to know it's more than just an American version of Nations Pride from Inglorious Basterds.

Apparently it's streaming, so it will be easy for me to buy and watch at home. If more movies did this I would likely see a lot more movies.

Man, now everyone has to put their money where their mouth is and actually go see this thing tomorrow.

I did, but for whatever reason I guess I'm not as adept at them as I used to be. i had similar troubles with Alien Isolation. They both seemed like cool games that I might have fun watching a a more skilled player play

I got trapped in the prologue for what seamed like an hour and then returned it.

Walking Dead issues 1-99 is better than anything telltale games season 2 had to offer, that game wasn't even as good as the season 1 installment and telltales efforts with Fables blow both of them away.

We have been successfully terrorized over a stoner comedy.