
Black Christmas is one of my favorite horror movies. Coincidently, I just rewatched it last night.

Definitely Birdman and Gaurdians of the Galaxy. for me, any best movies of 2014 list that doesn't include them is incomplete.

Objection your Honor, Birdman is not on this list and was at least as good or better than some of these, Gone Girl included

I don't blame you. Either all Holidays should be moved to accommodate a weekend or facilitate a three-day weekend, or none of them should be.

There is a serious war on Halloween, you are so right. It's my favorite holiday and every year it is one of the most disrespected. I have to wade through the landmine of grumpy Halloween scrooges who can't wait to tell you how much they HATE Halloween. It can be such a downer. It's often treated like something to

You would be surprised at the amount of average moviegoers who don't know much about the world or the origins of Christmas.

"As any Fox News viewer can tell you, there is a war on Christmas. What they won’t tell you on Fox, however, is that Christmas is winning, as the holiday has invaded and annexed November, has Thanksgiving surrounded, and is eyeing up Halloween."

I still don't get the amiibo thing. Figures that you load into the game and level up? Seems weird and I'm old and react defensively to flashy new concepts sometimes. I'm happy with what's already in the game but maybe I'll test it out down the line.
Edit - that amiiibo video up there is pretty special.

I watched all of these movies (most of them for the first time) in order this past October. I gotta say, I enjoyed myself a lot more than I expected to. The plots make no sense and are all over the place concerning continuity, but they are pretty joyful "B Movies" that embrace what they are and have fun with it. I

Ollie didn't mind his surroundings

Ray Palmer was super intrusive this episode, basically stalking Felicity "I pinged your phone" oookay. The show then followed up with another glimpse of the Atom suit and an OMAC reference so I guess I forgive.
It's been obvious since the beginning of the season that Mia (groan, Thea) killed Sara. That wasn't

In the world of video games I think epic adult fantasy is fairly mainstream. Skyrim for example. Regardless, I have no problem at all with the game being based on the show instead of the book. Just thought it was interesting.

I think you are oversimplifying it.
Anyone who is a fan of Walking Dead will tell you that Zombies are not the reason they read it, it's the character dynamics. As far as video games go, there are a million Zombie shooters out there, Walking Dead succeeds for entirely different reasons than "people like killing

I figured that too, but then I thought about how The Walking Dead features minimal characters from either comics or show, and the likeness' of the ones they do use look more in line with the comic than show.

I would wait to see if the follow up episodes get any better, this one was pretty sloppy.

I was really excited to play this but the first chapter was not good. The graphics are an absolute mess with weird glitching and textures all over the place. Also, I played through the episode several times utilizing different choices but the outcomes were always the same. I didn't get the feeling that any of my

It's been doing it's own thing but the character is still written as being extremely Batman. Listen to his speech to Barry again during the Flash pilot, it's practically ripped verbatim straight out of every heart to heart Batman and Superman have ever had for like the last twenty years. Tonight Green Arrow is

Yeah, I am well aware of the history. Green Arrow's creation and concept were inspired by Batman 70 years ago, but for at least the last 40 years Ollie has been distinctly his own character with his own voice. It's lazy for television writers to write Batman, call him Arrow, and then for fans to excuse it by saying

I think wells is a future thawne, but what if he was actually… The Monitor!

elongated man debuting on flash would be perfect